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fiction life of ai shinozaki - chapter 22 remastered. [Hong_mei_ling]

The creator of this series is dead. Rest in peace. I don't like it personally but there's this guy in the comments section of the last one posted named Eric You who's pretty passionate about it and it didn't seem like the last issue was getting posted here anytime soon so here it is

Posted by a Plum.

Added byPucca.exe
36 img
29 916
27 Jul 2021
38% (9/15)
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  1. G
    Guest Mr. Mcgoo
    27 July 2021 23:44

    There have been 22 parts to this comic and no one's had sex yet.

  2. TwistedFate
    28 July 2021 03:49

    The legend says , it would be the end of all when it will.

  3. E
    Eric you
    28 July 2021 05:17

    I still wonder what will happen next to Ai Shinozaki if the series continues I hope more content gets released it has been a while since I saw something new for this character. 

    I also wonder if Ai Shinozaki gets a googol yen or centillion yen or vigintillion yen or novemdecillion yen or octodecillion yen or sexdecillion yen or quindecillion yen or quattuordecillion yen or  tredecillion yen or duodecillion yen or undecillion yen or decillion yen or nonillion yen or octillion yen or septillion yen or sextillion yen or quintillion yen or quadrillion yen or trillion yen or billion yen or unvigintillion yen or duovigintillion yen or trevigintiilion or quattuorvigintillion yen or centillion  yen this could be from a yet to be named rich boyfriend or boss  character for a part time job  my name suggestion is Adam lee  a rich business executive or a inventor of some sort of tech I also think some sort of alien abduction and experimentation might be fun to explore.       

    I wonder what will happen if Ai Shinozaki receives 100000000 yen or 10000000 yen or one million yen or 100000 yen or ten thousand yen or one thousand yen from a new rich boss or boyfriend character named Adam lee with this money she can pay off her family debts and buy new things for her family and herself. 

    yeah if Ai gets a lot of money she could finally buy herself a bra and some panties along with a new swimsuit and other clothes and other things include some new clothes for her family members and her friends at school or other fellow co workers at her part time jobs she still takes but now just for even more money and a place to go when she is not at school or home.   

  4. P
    Pantheon the Unbreakable Spear
    28 July 2021 09:05

    Make it end please

  5. E
    Eric you
    28 July 2021 23:25

    I still am waiting to what next happens to Ai Shinozaki could be interesting to see if Ai gets pregnant and later gives birth to her first child like that one preview page states. 

  6. E
    Eric you
    29 July 2021 00:50

    I also wonder if Ai Shinozaki gets a part time job but a different one we have not seen before or more things involving some more  hentai or mature adult content  I think  a beauty contest chapter would be interesting to see along with a bathing scene at a hot springs a dream world scene or a beach or pool scene or chapter would be interesting similar or  bit different  to chapter four and chapter sixteen. 

  7. E
    Eric you
    2 August 2021 22:41

    I wonder what would happen next to Ai Shinozaki does she become pregnant for real and how come we have not seen more of Ai Shinozaki for a very long time. 

  8. E
    Eric you
    3 August 2021 04:34

    well I think Ai Shinozaki gets nine billion yen or 900000000 yen or 90000000 yen or nine million yen or 900000 yen or 90000 yen or nine thousand yen from a wealthy new boss or boyfriend character to be introduced later. 

    she uses the money she got from her new boss for her part time job or her new boyfriend to buy some twenty times forty centimeter in length plastic food wrapping that is transparent and shows her breasts some tape and some weird undies that are very small and only cover her pussy on the tip of her undies is a small rubber ball the string is made from nylon so it is almost invisible for keeping her panties on the string is tied on her waist and the rubber thing would go in her anus it is designed not to come out of her anus easily her undies have no extra material to cover her butt just like in chapter four but this time they come in a variety of different colors the front part of her panties look nice. 

  9. E
    Eric you
    4 August 2021 04:12

    we see that Ai's new panties come in the colors of azure dark azure pale azure light azure cerulean dark cerulean pale cerulean light cerulean air force blue Alice blue baby blue Columbia  blue cornflower blue dodger blue Maya blue royal blue sky blue dark sky blue medium sky blue pale sky blue light sky blue deep sky blue vivid sky blue steel blue dark steel blue pale steel blue light steel blue true blue Tufts blue black dark black pale black light black bister carbon black purple dark purple medium purple pale purple light purple ebony graphite jet gemstone mars blue midnight blue dark midnight blue pale midnight blue light midnight blue olive dark olive pale olive light olive olive drab olive green dark olive green pale olive green light olive green onyx raisin black rich black sable smoky black super black taupe dark taupe pale taupe light taupe mouse color tan dark tan pale tan light tan medium taupe  blue dark blue medium blue pale blue light blue aqua dark aqua pale aqua light aqua bice blue gray blue green dark blue gray byzantine blue dark byzantine blue pale byzantine blue and light byzantine blue.  

  10. E
    Eric you
    6 August 2021 22:05

    I still wonder if we are going to see more Ai Shinozaki later on we need the other chapters or continue the school cultural festival arc with new pages that way we can see more antics from Ai her friends at school her coworkers at one of her part time jobs and her family soon. this has been a very long wait for new material to continue the fiction life of Ai Shinozaki. 

  11. E
    Eric you
    12 August 2021 02:52

    I hope to see more of Ai Shinozaki soon this has been a long wait for something new and different what will happen to Ai does she gets pregnant for real and if so who is the father of her child and what the child's gender will be could it be one of Ai Shinozaki's daughters mentioned a while ago. 

    I wonder what would happen if Ai Shinozaki gets one hundred million yen or 903608.93 united states dollars or 90360.89 united states dollars or 9036.09 united states dollars or 903.61 united states dollars or 90.36 united states dollars or 9.04 united states dollars and what she can get with this kind of money. 

    we see this money came from a new boyfriend or boss character to be introduced later who is quite wealthy she uses this money to buy new clothes and underwear her new clothes are quite revealing including her choice for underwear and even new nightwear and swimwear. 

    1. H
      14 August 2021 03:50

      Are there comics like this one?

  12. E
    Eric you
    15 August 2021 04:46

    I want to see more of Ai Shinozaki and her daily life we need new content to move the story along to see more hentai antics from her her friends her teachers and her family plus her coworkers at her part time jobs. 

  13. TriKurrDurr
    15 August 2021 06:06


  14. E
    Eric you
    18 August 2021 03:02

    I would like to see more of Ai Shinozaki's daily life soon I wonder what kind of thing will she get into there is a preview of her getting pregnant is this her first time getting pregnant should we wait to find out soon who is the father of the child she bears in her womb if she is pregnant. 

  15. E
    Eric you
    19 August 2021 17:44

    I wonder what will happen to Ai Shinozaki after she gets pregnant or gets a fake pregnancy scare will she quit school and get kicked out from her home or will she continue school but gets her own home or stays at her old home with her parents she might need some more part time work as well later on. 

    I wonder what will Ai Shinozaki do if she has one thousand yen or one hundred yen or ten yen or one yen given to her by her a boss at one of her part time jobs or a new boyfriend character to be seen later on. 

    we see that Ai Shinozaki gets one thousand yen or 9.11 united states dollars or one hundred yen or ten yen or one yen from one of her boss at her part time jobs or a new boyfriend character to be seen later on the story. 

  16. E
    Eric you
    20 August 2021 02:24

    I wonder what would happen if Ai Shinozaki was given 9110 dollars from a new boss for one of her part time jobs or a new boyfriend character who is quite wealthy or 911 dollars from a new boss or boyfriend or girlfriend character to be introduced later in the series or one dollar or zero dollars from a new boyfriend or girlfriend character. 

  17. E
    Eric you
    21 August 2021 19:04

    I hope we see more of Ai Shinozaki sooner or later what kind of antics will she get involved in next time we need to see if she finally gets pregnant or not.  

  18. E
    Eric you
    27 August 2021 19:31

    I still wonder if we are going to see some more of Ai Shinozaki along with her family and friends or coworkers at one of her part time jobs sooner or later. 

  19. E
    Eric you
    28 August 2021 23:45

    I want to see more of Ai Shinozaki where is the author of the series wait the author of the series is dead and his brother is supposed to take over for him so where is the authors brother right now I wonder how Ai will get pregnant and what the child's identity be once it is born could this be Ai's firstborn child we get to see soon. 

    I also wonder if Ai Shinozaki is still possessed by the evil god of lust and perversion for the rest of her life or she gets her cursed removed and she can go back to a normal life at least for her standards since she is still having no undergarments and is quite poor having to do part time jobs to support herself and her family I hope we see chapter 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 and thirty 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 and maybe a chapter forty 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 and fifty. 

  20. E
    Eric you
    29 August 2021 14:09

    I also want to see a chapter 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 and sixty 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 and seventy each with Ai being caught in some hentai moments in public even into chapter 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 and eighty followed by 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 and ninety each one more erotic than the other and finally chapter 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 and hundred being a excellent finale to the series if the new author wants to finish his brothers work and his legacy. 

    I think one of the chapters should be having Ai abducted by aliens in space and then experimented on giving her superhuman abilities to stop the aliens from their next plan of invasion and conquest of the earth she also gains a more hybrid appearance as the aliens have taken animals and plants to experiment on them from around the world on earth due to her new appearance she cannot wear clothes at all just like with her demonic curse would vaporize her clothes expect for a few items the demon allows her to wear.  

    well it looks like chapter 22 is done I wonder what is next for Ai Shinozaki she would play games she would even sing and dance in the school cultural festival I wonder what she will do next where is the pregnant moment could it be chapter 23 or later on.   

    I want Ai to show up in a pool or beach chapter along with a hot springs chapter a birthday chapter a baseball chapter a bowling chapter a boxing chapter a fishing chapter a mini golf chapter a paintball chapter a storybook or fairy tale chapter a superhero chapter a Aprils fools chapter  a Christmas themed chapter a Halloween themed chapter  a valentines day chapter and a new year chapter her joining a fire department doing ballet at a library doing a wrestling chapter a wedding chapter Ai going camping going to a casino or the circus at a courtroom and a prison  at her first date at a movie theater   going on a road trip with her family going to visit Hollywood going to visit a ski resort babysitting or tutoring  a kid at a driving test or doing some other kind of hentai related antics later on. 

    I think Ai Shinozaki would make a great teacher or a nurse or joining the military or a police officer a scientist a nun a pit girl a playboy bunny like bartender or a geisha like hostess a secretary a flight attendant as a beauty contestant participant and her doing a workout session at gym so yeah bring on chapter 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 and thirty along with 31 32 33 and 34 we want to see how Ai looks as a adult and what her daughters will look like along with her younger sister her older brother and some more references to her mom and her dad along with maybe even have Ai's grandparents show up in a chapter later on.  

    I sure wish this series of Ai Shinozaki continues if we have a new author that knows how to do 3d programs to continue what remains of the original authors script the next phase I hope is good and better than before. 

  21. GreekGod
    14 June 2023 06:52

    Dang unfortunate that author died I quite like this series RIP
