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fiction life of ai shinozaki - chapter 18 remastered. [Hong_mei_ling]

thank you for the supports in my patreon! I hope I can get more supports so I can invest more time working on this piece!
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Added byraitoryuulk
32 pages
15 937
29 May 2019
100% (2/0)
(Votes: 2)
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  1. E
    Eric you
    3 March 2020 06:28
    i wonder when chapter 22 the cultural festival arc or chapter is going to be released seem like it has been ages hopefully the author of this series is doing alright. 
  2. E
    Eric you
    8 March 2020 03:44
    i am stilling waiting for chapter 22 the cultural festival arc and the time when the evil god of lust and perversion leaves the main female characters body there should be more new chapters and arcs full of different surprises twists and turns.   
  3. E
    Eric you
    10 March 2020 04:04
    hopefully after the cultural festival arc we can have a arc featuring some more part time work including at a television or movie studio and arcs or chapters featuring antics at school and other public places i also hope the evil god finally exits the main characters body. 
  4. E
    Eric you
    22 March 2020 01:37
    i wonder when chapter 22 the cultural festival arc is released i hope it is soon i want to see the main female character in more hentai antics. 
  5. E
    Eric you
    27 March 2020 23:02
    i am still waiting for chapter 22 the cultural festival arc to be revealed i am also waiting for the evil god of lust and perversion to leave the main characters body but still have more hentai or sexy antics to be coming soon.  
  6. E
    Eric you
    1 April 2020 21:31
    i am still waiting for chapter 22 to be released with the cultural festival arc start and the evil god of lust and perversion be rejected from the main characters body after she reaches the ultimate sexual experience of her life.    
  7. E
    Eric you
    10 April 2020 21:04
    i wonder what happened to the author of this hentai i hope he or she is alright i really want chapter 22 to be released soon with the cultural festival part and the evil god of lust and perversion to be gone from the main female characters body. 

    i wonder what kind of hentai antics will come after chapter 22 gets released i hope we get chapter 22 very soon and later chapter 23 all the way to thirty maybe in the future.  
  8. E
    Eric you
    18 April 2020 05:13
    i am still waiting for chapter 22 to be released i hope the cultural festival arc is good and the evil god of lust and perversion leaves the main female characters body. i also hope we have more chapters and arcs full of hentai antics. 
  9. E
    Eric you
    19 April 2020 05:23
    i wonder if we see the main female character become involved in show business like at a television or movie studio maybe even singing and dancing part time a part time detective or police officer would also be good a clown or at a circus could be entertaining to see being a bounty hunter could also be interesting working at a courtroom could also be interesting being a spy could also be interesting working part time as a nurse or a medic  could be interesting working for a engineer could be interesting helping a military strategist could be interesting helping a communications officer or in communication based work could be interesting working as a demolitions expert could be interesting helping a army scout could be interesting being a quarterbacks girlfriend or her help a new transfer or foreign exchange student could be interesting who could be a prince or princess her working at a library or bookstore  could be interesting the main female character being a fortune teller could be interesting the main female character temporarily getting superpowers could be interesting her helping a stage magician could be interesting her helping a mad scientist could be interesting and ton of more hentai antics should be happening in the near future.      
  10. E
    Eric you
    26 April 2020 04:04
    i am still waiting for chapter 22 to be released soon but maybe the author is on a long break due to corona virus. 
  11. E
    Eric you
    29 August 2021 23:58

    well looks like chapter 22 is done and the series looks done for now but maybe the new author will change his mind he is the brother to the previous author the current author wants to hire a new author to continue to series so we have to wait longer for chapter 23 23 25 26 27 28 29 and thirty 31 32 33 34 I want to see what Ai Shinozaki looks like as a adult and what her kids will look like I also wonder what her dad looks like and what her older brother looks and sounds like we had the voice of Ai's dad in the karate episode or chapter 18 and saw a short look at him her mom should also make more appearances they almost look a like. 

    I also wonder what Ai's future boyfriend and later husband since she might have daughters in the future who that man shall be and what kind of job does he have and where will Ai live as a adult with her two daughters. I also think a change of her last name when married and having children will be. 

  12. E
    Eric you
    30 August 2021 00:24

    I think we have next month or on October or November or December to see chapter 23 if the series continues or if it ended in chapter 22. 

  13. TriKurrDurr
    30 August 2021 01:09


  14. E
    Eric you
    30 August 2021 18:13

    I wonder what Ai Shinozaki would do now that chapter 22 is finished with a soft version and a extreme version of it available I also wonder what Ai would do if her evil god or demon curse gets removed hopefully she will not be naked for the rest of her life and actually goes to her ultimate sexual climax or orgasm of her life or masturbation of her life then she can wear clothes again expect due to her poverty any underwear she does own shoes and socks however but no bras or panties yet.  

    I also wonder what Ai looks like as a adult she could resemble her mom even more with some traits she got from her dad who taught her karate I wonder what her older brother does is he in college or university I also wonder what her two naked daughters will look like I hope she marries someone quite wealthy so she can help pay off her family's debts and purchase herself new clothes shoes socks even maybe something like a bra and panties along with swimwear she might embrace even more masochism and exhibitionism as a part of herself her new husband and before marriage one of her boyfriends she would meet in high school later on before she officially graduates  or in college or university yeah a naked college or university student she also takes other part time jobs to support herself later on in the story she can even go to medical dental or nursing school and become a sexy medical doctor nurse or dentist on the island maybe a teacher or a full time lifeguard full time construction worker   a full time waitress or chef a full time gym instructor or full time farmer or a flight attendant or pilot  for blue sky airlines.   

    I think it will also be interesting if she becomes a secretary or a receptionist full time at a office building or full time gas station attendant as a sexy journalist working in a television studio or as a actress in a movie studio she is shown to be great at sports singing dancing and a couple of other things she is also quite good at studying so she might graduate as a honor student or valedictorian or solitarian in her class she might go to college or university and receive a masters degree  or a doctoral degree where she can get good money to support herself she might take the post of the doctor we saw in chapter 17  she could also become a surgeon which is better than a normal medical doctor with a even higher pay.   

    I still hope to see more of Ai Shinozaki and what she will look like as a adult what her kids will look like and what shall be their names I wonder if we are going to have a doctor or nurse Ai Shinozaki sometime in her future or she will take a different career path after high school and after college/ university maybe on the island or even the mainland. 

    I would wonder if blue sky island has a beach that would be interesting to see later on could Ai and her friends visit the beach or the local pool like where she worked in chapter sixteen and in chapter 21. 
