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  1. DigitalArt56
    24 July 2020 03:09
    It is so funny how the universe made us people into what we are today. It took thousands maybe millions of years to evolution. And finally we are what we are now and we are making this shit, instead of learning the mysteries of the universe or learning how to use 100% of our brain

    Does anyone agree or am I being to rude. 
    1. R
      24 July 2020 03:28
      I would post this to r/Iamversmart if it wasn't from a porn site.
      But seriously, chill dude. If you wan't to achieve something you could do it for yourself.
      Also, if there's a market for it, it deserves to exist. It`s pretty easy isn't it? 
    2. L
      24 July 2020 22:17
      I wourr post this to r/Iamversmart if it wasn't from porn site.
      But serriousrry, chirr dude. If you wan't to achieve something you courrd do for yoserrf.
      Also, if there's wet marrket forr it, it deeserrves to exist. It`s prretty easy yes? 
    3. G
      Guest Bob
      25 July 2020 23:30
      More plz
    4. S
      Smart ass
      15 February 2024 03:59

      Jim Parsons is that you

  2. P
    24 July 2020 03:27
    I would post this to r/Iamversmart if it wasn't from a porn site.
    But seriously, chill dude. If you wan't to achieve something you could do it for yourself.
    Also, if there's a market for it, it deserves to exist. It`s pretty easy isn't it? 
  3. D
    24 July 2020 05:32
    I would post this to r/Iamversmart if it wasn't from a porn site.
    But seriously, chill dude. If you wan't to achieve something you could do it for yourself.
    Also, if there's a market for it, it deserves to exist. It`s pretty easy isn't it? 
  4. R
    Real Guido Mista
    24 July 2020 07:50
    The real question is, what kind of person looks at their ability to draw and model and says hey! I wanna draw child pornography.
  5. C
    24 July 2020 22:00
  6. DigitalArt56
    24 July 2020 22:06
    Honestly I dont mean to be rude when I said that and second of all I wrote this down and I was like HEEEEY ima use this to sound smort
  7. G
    Guest Guest
    24 July 2020 23:41
    i wanna be able to fuck a 12 year old girl or boy but it's so hard to when you're over 18. just imagine how they smell. lucky ass bastards in anime getting all the young cock and pussy.
    1. T
      Tarnation Nigga
      25 July 2020 23:10
      You are definitely on a list now 
    2. w
      what the fuck
      27 July 2020 07:32
      rot in hell pig
    3. T
      31 July 2020 13:01
      Hey don’t listen to them I like your interest I’m 16 so I can help you get close to your dream 
  8. S
    25 July 2020 12:15
    I would post this to r/Iamversmart if it wasn't from a porn site.
    But seriously, chill dude. If you wan't to achieve something you could do it for yourself.
    Also, if there's a market for it, it deserves to exist. It`s pretty easy isn't it? 
  9. G
    Guest lostinthenet
    25 July 2020 12:54
    Bruuuh if you want progress for humanity you gotta bring everyone's living stituation up to a certain level so the next einstien doesn't die because of hunger or some bull poop like that
  10. M
    Man behind you
    25 July 2020 18:59
    1. This is so wrong you know , I mean that where is their father like how? In the night his wife not sleeping with him? Or does he divorce her or die or whatever? But the most wrong here is why there a guy walked his cat with a leash, I mean who's does that? Who ever walked their cat?
  11. H
    Holy land
    26 July 2020 12:19
  12. Y
    You know what
    3 August 2020 08:22
    Porn sitecomments are the best comments.
  13. Geometry Dash Loser
    Geometry Dash Loser
    12 June 2021 06:21
    I have one response to the first few guys: NEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRD
  14. S
    Smart ass
    7 May 2023 17:43

    You got anything new I've read all 3 of your comics

  15. Marfmaster777
    24 August 2023 19:41

    there are a lot of pages missing what happened

  16. H
    29 February 2024 07:19

    Where the dad did he went to get milk
