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Father Adriel Helps a Nun (Spy)

2024 is sucking like hell (I don't know about y'all tho. . .) Anyway, here's Father Adriel getting fucked.

Added byGooshooter
10 177
15 Feb 2024
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  1. Gooshooter
    15 February 2024 14:53

    Might as well get this off my chest, I use to masturbate cause it felt great but now I do it to control my depression.

    1. Uncle Tee
      Uncle Tee
      15 February 2024 15:11

      I dont mean to alarm you, but I think that makes it worse.

    2. Nigwardo
      15 February 2024 15:28

      eh who cares, jack off all you want, this world fucking sucks and we all gonna die sooner or later so do what you want

    3. Spazmaticus
      15 February 2024 17:31

      Depression sucks fam, I feel you there. Can't speak for you, but in my case going outside more often and pushing myself towards small, but manageable goals really helped control it. 

      Haven't cured anything yet myself, but I can say that slowly but surely we'll all get there.

    4. Ghostface 69
      Ghostface 69
      15 February 2024 19:58

      Yeah Popeye felt the same way than he left not saying you should do the same thing it's your decision but maybe you should take a break people say masturbating helps with stress well weird people I know but it doesn't it makes thing much worse and it's not gonna stop until you make the right decision, depression is hardest thing mankind has to tackle but with enough self control and self-confidence you can overcome it I believe you can beat it Gooshooter stay healthy my friend 🙏

    5. Nword
      4 December 2024 17:20
      Bro are you good?
  2. MrLuiss
    16 February 2024 17:53

    I understand you Gooshooter, I was like this last year and it made me worse... But we are at the beginning of the year so we don't know what could happen, maybe it will be a good or bad year for some but We'll know when we get there! This is for everyone but Gooshooter... As advice from a guy you've never met in your life, it's better to stop instead of doing an NNN in a month, it even makes you feel like you want it without getting involved Depression because this can be dangerous and we (those who don't hate you and like you) will want the best for you man :)

  3. Mark-O
    18 February 2024 02:38

    Who ever dislike these comments ya mama's a hoe🖕

    1. A nobody
      A nobody
      27 April 2024 02:23

      I argee.
