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  1. B
    22 June 2019 17:29
  2. j
    3 August 2019 22:46
    so, because there seems to be some confusion,

    this is not futanari, these are dickgirls or traps, biological men who could theoretically procreate. Futanari are biological women with an overgrown clitoris or unnaturally obtained penis, they do not have balls and can only procreate by BEING impregnated, they still have their womb and ovaries. 

    I know its petty but this genuinely annoys me when people don't use the right terminology.
    1. H
      31 August 2019 19:47
      Bruh what the fuck. This is a porn comic, not a fucking thesis paper, no one gives a shit about the "Proper terminology". You think Shakespeare fucking wrote this?
      1. G
        Guest Stalin
        9 December 2019 07:11
        New yu wer gay haha 
      2. G
        Guest BRUH
        9 March 2020 02:32
        Well considering romeo and juliet was about two horny underage fuckbirds, this is probably something shakespeare would write. 

        srsly tho romeo and juliet were both 12. How did we think this play was romantic and not pedophilic and perverted. WTF
    2. G
      Guest BRUH
      20 November 2021 19:09

      No they are hermaphrodites

      1. J
        2 August 2022 11:06

        It was deeper then lust lol

  3. T
    The Foundation
    1 January 2020 23:28
    This is basically Gay but with woman with dicks Dislike it should be link on top of everyone except men
  4. C
    21 January 2020 07:09
    Hey jgv this is a comic and porno not a biology lesson by captain shithead shut the fuck up you prick wrong terminology futanari is where a woman has a dick and pussy not and over sized clit or unnatural dick there is no such thing as futas in real life. Oh wait what would you know about life you don't have one you sit infront of your computer/phone and critisize porn and also who are you to say whats futanari and whats not?! there is no such thing as wrong terminology in porn you fucking tard.

    jesus christ man I usually make jokes but shit you just had to fuckin judge porn it's porn enjoy it don't be a fuckin biology teacher.

    and there was no confusion we just were enjoying porn we didn't care 'bout fuckin terminology if your gonna be like that then don't come to this site if you are SO annoyed by this and if you are annoyed by it why are you reading these types of comics?!

    Oh and hitler just gas this fucker already k? k.
  5. .
    25 February 2020 05:29


    1. N
      7 September 2020 21:15
  6. T
    The Unknown Society
    30 September 2020 06:59
    We hate to disagree or interrupt fudes of intelligence and intellect however the correct terminology is infact a trap. They just have other appendages to go with it, the mere fact you are arguing and you are criticizing porn in an app is quite honestly dissapointing, it is smut, treat it as such.
  7. O
    5 December 2020 14:43
    thi is good

    anyway dont mock people who give you information
  8. Dr. Samuel Hayden
    Dr. Samuel Hayden
    26 March 2021 01:05
    The man who pulled out a scientific essay about the science of dickgirls should be employed at the ARC. We could use a kind like that.
