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  1. 26 May 2020 13:09

    Warning! You are not allowed to view this text.
  2. Person of disinterest
    Person of disinterest
    30 July 2020 09:54
    I’ll be real here honestly what I imagine a Pokemon hentai between the player and Nessa to be like. Like, EXACTLY.
  3. Person of disinterest
    Person of disinterest
    17 August 2020 20:45
    Also nice claim  dude.
  4. M
    Marth Fire Emblem
    13 September 2020 22:34
    It's not nice, it's fucking abhorrent.  Why go through claiming something that isn't fucking yours?  What do you get out of it?  I'll tell you what you get.  You get every single person on this site to telling you that you're a degenerate.  Is that what you want?  Because you really don't need to claim for us to do that.  I'll call you a degenerate any day of the week.  You know why?  Because it's a fucking complement.  Because you're worse than that.  You're somehow lower than the lowest someone could possibly fall.  And there aren't enough insults that can be thrown in your general direction to accurately convey how much absolute filth you embody.  So please, stop it.

    In other news, this is a great comic.  There was a huge tidal wave of pokemon content a while back, but most of it was pretty high quality so I'm not complaining.
  5. J
    Just a regular dude
    3 October 2022 00:07

    me, a non member watching people rightfully criticize people for reasons that I believe in fully

    (Also me 1 minute ago

    *Fap *Fap *Fap

  6. G
    Guest Evan
    19 May 2023 11:30

    Meu deus cara mano o menino só derrotou ela e ele sofreu 
