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  1. R
    10 April 2020 04:17
    Who the living fuck made this I swear to good I’ll make the empires massacre look like a fucken joke when I seen them also yukki is here I didn’t go through his bullshit just to see this 0/10
    1. R
      10 April 2020 04:22
      I’ll crucifi the man who made this and let shion turn him into meat loaf like the idiot king edmails
      1. S
        Space Toast
        10 April 2020 10:42
        Bloody hell calm down mate. It's just a doujinshi, not a bleeding war crime. Although I do ahree that this shite, and similar comics, needs to be culled. I'm tired of the aphrodisiac-rape stories that are all too common.
        1. R
          10 April 2020 11:04
          unlike you space toast thats me up there so im mad

          1. F
            Fiddlesticks the Ancient Fear
            11 April 2020 15:16
            Id like to taste you in that comic and damn that was hot!
    2. T
      8 May 2020 13:06
      Oh guy it seems that u really take youself into the character rimuru...Tbh you ought calm and understand who u really be

  2. u
    up ya
    10 April 2020 07:59
    whoever made this is a dumbass rimuru is a slime and has no gender not a fucking girl plus rimuru would kill them all easy mode

    1. u
      up ya
      10 April 2020 08:01
      like the art thow
  3. Porn Inspector
    Porn Inspector
    10 April 2020 09:08
    I cant even imagine what the other ones are like 
  4. G
    10 April 2020 12:35
    Sips Coffee
    This Made me want to Eat Lead
  5. H
    Holy thighble
    10 April 2020 13:04
    Cant he just turn into slime and eat the guy
    To whoever made this you made a massive flaw 
  6. G
    Guest Reaper
    10 April 2020 13:28
    It’s just fan-made, they don’t care.
  7. C
    10 April 2020 14:13
    It's not a girl or boy so how does it have any thing there? 
  8. M
    Mr. Mcgoo
    11 April 2020 00:33
    This is what one might call “a bad touch”
  9. Y
    You’re fucking dumbasses
    11 April 2020 10:11
    Bruh readmore carefully and you’ll know why he has a vagina.

    1. loli_collector69
      11 April 2020 18:51
      he* also I CLAIM
  10. I
    18 April 2020 05:01
    1. Is this loli??? Ohh God I'm going to the gulag again.
  11. s
    shit falcon
    18 July 2021 10:49

    technically in this world hes only 3 years old you fucking pedophiles

    1. E
      Egg the God of death
      1 December 2021 06:47

      Heya time to clear up mistakes because none of you watched the anime... first off he's guy second he'd technically be around 34 here and third is that this comic kinda makes sense but doesn't due to its all avoidable with 1 itsy bitsy little ability. BLACK LIGHNTING THATS RIGHT FOLKS! SOMEONE IN YOUR WAY SEND THEM TO HELL

      1. E
        Egg the God of death
        1 December 2021 06:48

        But hey what do I know I am just a weeb.

      2. G
        Guest FBI
        12 November 2022 04:35

        it likes to use the he/him even though it has no gender and a slime so it could of turned back into a slime or that its power level is more powerful then grand zeno and yes we have to watch people so they don't do this crap and yes this is the real FBI so shut up its annoying to deal with this crap so please stop doing this crap and rape is no joke so don't make porn with rape involved

  12. G
    Guest fbi
    12 November 2022 04:30

    how to purify this crime

    #1 find the address of the person that made this

    @2 buy a nuke

    #3 put nuke inside address of the person that made this crap's house

    #4 wait until his entire family is in the house (if he has one i don't he think has one)

    #5 set off the nuke

    and that's the steps to purify this crime

    also FBI OPEN UP

  13. CT the divine rapier
    CT the divine rapier
    20 February 2024 15:38

    Death egg there has a point.

    Black lightning is the ultimate "Fuck everything in that specific area" skill. And it's glorious.

  14. Silly Goober
    Silly Goober
    24 July 2024 00:33
    Looks like a "predator" got Rimuru, eh?

    ...I'll leave.
