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  1. G
    Guest name
    2 April 2020 02:44
    Nice plot

  2. J
    Jojo Siwa
    2 April 2020 04:36
    This had a surprisingly amazing plot for a porn comic 
  3. H
    Horny gay boy
    2 April 2020 04:51
    Can we get a sequel 
  4. Love Machine
    Love Machine
    2 April 2020 06:24
    The Love Machine approves. I will not make downplay the story it was good, although if your gonna make a story like this, with so much build up to them developing a relationship, then it needs more action, the story was good but it could've been better with more action. The blowjob was a good start and so was the breakfast scene, but with more action it would've had a more satisfying ending. The Love Machines verdict 8/10
  5. B
    2 April 2020 10:23
    Fam u gotta make a part 2

    Fam u gotta make a part 2
  6. s
    satans true son
    2 April 2020 20:56
    awww this was so cute ^^
  7. S
    Shaco the demon jester
    3 April 2020 01:20
    Love the femboy act,  should have given the deer som small boobs for some tranny action 7/10
  8. P
    3 April 2020 03:42
    Além de veado é viado
  9. G
    Guest Hupomux
    3 April 2020 05:54
    I wasn't sure about to read this comic but i am happy now that i did read it  heart_eyes 
  10. C
    Cute factor out of 10
    3 April 2020 09:49
    10000000 this is surprisingly cute tho.
  11. Eman0904
    5 April 2020 11:55
    Noticing a trend with the major commenters but  anyway, this was an awesome story with a good plot, good characters, and I'd say this could possibly be one of if not the best comic on this site, and I believe a part 2 would be well received.
  12. Federal Bureau of Sex Investigation
    Federal Bureau of Sex Investigation
    11 April 2020 12:20
    Good ! I'm normally not a fan of yaoi, but this comics is really giod ! I claim this !
  13. H
    Happy Day
    12 April 2020 02:42
    Holy shit the more common users are saying this is an amazing comic love machine, FBI, ETC. Do you know how revolutionary this is no dissaprovels from anyone this is truly a rare phenomena!!! Have a good day fellow peeps :> 
    1. F
      Fiddlesticks the Ancient Fear
      12 April 2020 03:04
      You got to be kidding me 
      *Pukes rainbow*
      This is revolutionary 
      For me it made my Dick go limp
      1. F
        Fiddlesticks the Ancient Fear
        12 April 2020 03:05
        It may be good but I kinda don't like yaoi 
        1. w
          21 October 2020 07:01
          your dick is a pussy and you should be ashamed
      2. G
        Guest bruh
        15 September 2020 07:22
        then dont read it?
  14. A
    A concerned citizen
    12 August 2021 13:05

    Only issue with this comic is that it mdoesn't make me want to cum, it makes me want to write a slice of life fanfic about them cuddling in bed, meeting parents, get married, buy their first house, have a falling out, get back together with new passion, adopt children, raise them to be themselves, watch their kids grow into adulthood, grow old, and die peacefully in love and passion.

  15. N
    12 December 2021 01:39

    I know you nerds are busy talking about how good the plot is but is no one going to talk about Jesse having a desk-bed? 
