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Added bymirafim
91 img
88 866
14 Mar 2020
97% (156/5)
(Votes: 161)
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  1. M
    15 March 2020 00:16
    Waz up first
    1. J
      Jay from Ninjago
      15 March 2020 02:40
      I have no words for this level of stupidity
  2. C
    Custum F
    15 March 2020 00:16

  3. Makoto yuki
    Makoto yuki
    15 March 2020 02:51
    Kill me claiming is stupied just stop

    Get the joke
  4. F
    Fiddlesticks the Ancient Fear
    15 March 2020 02:59
    When they were having the so called outdoor sex Something felt amiss as the horizon they were became a dark forest. As the air around them was tense they hear something moving in the tree's until. 'help me' a low pitch voice was heard as he pleads for help the two who were in their swimsuits sweats like buckets as they see in the corner a swinging back and forth lantern was there. As they slowly come close to the lantern it suddenly became to ash "Taku are we on a dream?" Onee San said
    "Maybe we are in a dream?" Taku said 
    As they slowly leave the premises they here a shriek"help me!!!" As they see something, A creature you can call as a Scarecrow.
    They question themselves, why is there a Scarecrow in here and it has three hands?
    When Taku realized it that thing has a lantern. They didn't saw anything that resembles the odd entity when they came near the lantern in the back of the tree.
    As sweats fall in their forehead it suddenly moves.
    "Taku we need to run!!" Onee San said.
    "Run!!" Taku said.
    As they run the creatures arm bent downwards as flocks of crows flew around(wished that porn inspector was there)As it screams a bestial sound 
    With its bloodshot eyes it chases them like a beast
    "Nee San run away as far as possible"Taku said and he stop and took the stick lying around as he face the creature.
    "No Taku we can make it out of this woods"Onee San said.
    Suddenly Nee Sans body was split in half as her body fell lifelessly As Taku began to shed tears, It showed up it began laughing Kakakakakakakaka. As the creature laughs and steps at the bisected body of his Nee San Taku screamed" I'm gonna kill you!" As he run towards the creature.
    With one swing Raju's body was split in half without feeling any pain.

    As they woke up in the inn sweating. They both said internally "So it was all a dream?" As they talk about it a bird was looking at them it was porn inspector looking at them with lust at the woman as the time goes on nothing happened and they lived their life happily.
    But when they die u will make their souls scream in despair for enternity.

    Sorry porn inspector but I really want you in my crow flock kakakakaka!
    1. F
      Fiddlesticks the Ancient Fear
      15 March 2020 03:00
      I always hate this stupid auto correct
    2. M
      Mr Skink
      15 March 2020 06:24
      "are we on a dream?"
      1. F
        Fiddlesticks the Ancient Fear
        15 March 2020 07:55
        I was kind enough to let them taste it only on a dream
    3. s
      2 May 2020 06:00
      what the fuck
  5. M
    Micolash, nightmare host
    15 March 2020 04:05
    Like you once did with the vacuous rom, grant them eyes. Cleanse claiming of its beastly idiocy
    1. F
      Fiddlesticks the Ancient Fear
      15 March 2020 04:07
      Oh a nightmare creature same as me
  6. Porn Inspector
    Porn Inspector
    15 March 2020 06:15
    F U C K I N G W H O R E
    1. F
      Fiddlesticks the Ancient Fear
      15 March 2020 07:57
      Join my crow flock!!!!
  7. G
    Guest anonymous
    15 March 2020 08:43
    next part please
  8. L
    21 January 2021 18:29
    Wassup van a loc come up yo crib
    1. F
      Franklin Clintom
      21 January 2021 18:31
      Man, fuck you I'll se you at work.
      1. L
        Lamar Davis
        21 January 2021 18:32
        Ah, nigga, don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful, nigga. Maybe if you got rid of that old yee-yee ass haircut you got you'd get some bitches on your dick. Oh, better yet, maybe Tanisha'll call your dog-ass if she ever stop fuckin' with that brain surgeon or lawyer she fucking with.

        1. F
          Franklin Clinton
          21 January 2021 18:33
  9. O
    14 June 2024 06:08
