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  1. Love Machine
    Love Machine
    25 February 2020 14:46
    Claimed by the Love Machine
    1. Love Machine
      Love Machine
      25 February 2020 14:48
      This Fine piece of art shows the type of LOVE that makes you wanna fuck your lover passionately all night and the Love Machine approves. I give this work a 10/10
      1. A
        Albedo V2.0
        25 February 2020 15:55
    2. A
      Ains Ooal Gown
      5 March 2020 07:36
      Fear not fappers of xcartx/xlecx we will wait this out, for this has happened once and it stoped. If at the end of the week there is no content then we will act. We will send emails of encouragement to the administrators. If you want to join the army contact Ains Ooal Gown or shrek. WE WILL ACHIEVE VICTORY!!!!!
    3. A
      Ains Ooal Gown
      5 March 2020 07:37
      Fear not fappers of xcartx/xlecx we will wait this out, for this has happened once and it stoped. If at the end of the week there is no content then we will act. We will send emails of encouragement to the administrators. If you want to join the army contact Ains Ooal Gown or shrek. WE WILL ACHIEVE VICTORY!!!!

    4. T
      5 March 2020 07:39
      To guests and accounts alike,

             There is no denying that the predicament we are in seems to be dire. But we must remain hopeful! We must stand strong together!!! These tribulations will pass! But we must face then together! So join us!!!
           If by the end of the week we are still left without update, then as a community we must rise!!! WE WILL NOT GO QUIETLY INTO THE NIGHT!!! We will all contact the admins through any means that we have! But not too add more to their burden! Instead we must encourage them! Let them know that our best wishes are with them! And to tell them that we appreciate their work! It would be unwise to bog them down with worries..... 
          In this way WE WILL RECLAIM OUR SWAMP!!!! WHOSE WITH US!!!
      1. i_lik_dic
        7 March 2020 06:36
        A tear has formed in the eyes of porn enthusiasts alike. Thank you Shrek 
      2. Lord Shaxx
        Lord Shaxx
        11 March 2020 07:42
        we must unite all our guardians, and all our enemies together to defeat this time of darkness.
        we must stay together, even if it means going to the fallen, or seeking help with the cabal.
        we survived the collapse once, we can do it again.
        stay strong guardians!
  2. Guts
    25 February 2020 19:13
    Fallout 76 and the elder scrolls online tamriel both suck so fukcing bad 
    1. U
      Ultra Instinct Shaggy
      26 February 2020 11:12
      Yea man they are so sucky and I love berserk too friend

      1. A
        Ains Ooal Gown
        5 March 2020 07:38
        Fear not fappers of xcartx/xlecx we will wait this out, for this has happened once and it stoped. If at the end of the week there is no content then we will act. We will send emails of encouragement to the administrators. If you want to join the army contact Ains Ooal Gown or shrek. WE WILL ACHIEVE VICTORY!!!!

  3. E
    Excalibur Umbra
    25 February 2020 20:19
    Look at them, they come to this place when they know they are not pure. Tenno use the keys, but they are mere trespassers. Only I, Vor, know the true power of the Void. I was cut in half, destroyed, but through it's Janus Key, the Void called to me. It brought me here and here I was reborn. We cannot blame these creatures, they are being led by a false prophet, an impostor who knows not the secrets of the Void. Behold the Tenno, come to scavenge and desecrate this sacred realm. My brothers, did I not tell of this day? Did I not prophesize this moment? Now, I will stop them. Now I am changed, reborn through the energy of the Janus Key. Forever bound to the Void. Let it be known, if the Tenno want true salvation, they will lay down their arms, and wait for the baptism of my Janus key. It is time. I will teach these trespassers the redemptive power of my Janus key. They will learn it's simple truth. The Tenno are lost, and they will resist. But I, Vor, will cleanse this place of their impurity.
    1. U
      Ultra Instinct Shaggy
      26 February 2020 11:13
      Warframe is indeed good got all primes weapons and frames by just farming a lot 
  4. J
    Jay from Ninjago
    26 February 2020 00:16
          The next comic posted shall be the location of the Claiming vs Not Claiming debate. The procedure is this:

    1. The two sides will meet and exchange opening remarks
    2. Two members from each side will debate on the issue with ONE comment.
    3. The two sides will say their closing remarks.

          The rules:

    1. No claiming and no making the comic unclaimable 
    2. The comment order must be followed
    3. Idiots are not allowed to comment
    4. Keep the insults civil
    5. Guests are not allowed to sign up

          Sign up for the Debate:

    Team Anti-Claim

    Opening/Closing statement _________ (1)

    Actual Debate __________ (2)

    Team Claim

    Opening/Closing statement __________ (1)

    Actual Debate __________ (2)


    Mediator ______ (1)

    People who want to shame the guys that break the rules _________ (Many)

    Those who want to participate can sign up by replying what position they want and whose team they are on, or if they want to be one of the mediators.

    1. C
      Claim Police Giorno
      26 February 2020 01:32
      My boi.... Are you crazy.
    2. Love Machine
      Love Machine
      26 February 2020 01:55
      The Love Machine has a purpose for his claiming and I will be glad to tell you when the debate starts
      1. A
        Albedo V2.0
        26 February 2020 02:17
        Debate huh I like it but I will not join any teams
        1. A
          Albedo V2.0
          26 February 2020 02:45
          We must unite as a whole to Protect our future Where There are no claiming there will be no MLP Shits but importantly there will be Netorare Shits
          1. A
            Albedo V2.0
            26 February 2020 02:46
            Looks like my speech is very bad 
    3. T
      The British Empire
      26 February 2020 19:07
      I shall be a mediator. 
    4. T
      27 February 2020 01:48
      Sounds good. We can have a council to decide the verdict. Obviously including Giorano, TheUnknownSociety, and other memes of this site... maybe each team should choose two of the xlecx memes as judges so we have 4. Also should we include crossfires? Debators trading off question?
      1. A
        Albedo V2.0
        27 February 2020 14:57
        We need representatives we will vote for the one who will judge
        1. T
          27 February 2020 17:27
          Yes that’s a better idea

    5. 2Strokes1Nut
      27 February 2020 03:20
      I’m interested to see how this goes. I’ll remain a neutral party, but I’ll be there to see it, in one form or another.
  5. C
    Claim Police
    26 February 2020 03:15
    All claimers will have to deal with shrek

    If you deny this may God have mercy on your soul
    1. S
      Shreks slut
      26 February 2020 08:25
      I deal with Shrek everyday , worshipping that cucumber cock 
    2. Space Patrol Delta
      Space Patrol Delta
      26 February 2020 12:01
      We are here as well
    3. T
      27 February 2020 01:41
      Alright, who am I facing first?
  6. R
    26 February 2020 08:28
    Then you must love shrek is love, shrek is life
    1. T
      27 February 2020 01:42
      Words of a wise man
  7. T
    26 February 2020 21:54
    Vor do I and the rest of my kin need to warn you again that if you'll keep trying to get people corrupted by the void we will have to slice whatever is left of you and believe me when I say that I have a freshely shrapened Dragon Nikana and Despair (thank you stalker btw) just waiting for somone. also Grendel could use some lunch but so does the infested. I would wonder what would happen to you Vor once your flesh gets corrupted by Infestation and Ordis says hi
  8. J
    Jay Walker
    27 February 2020 15:49
    Someone is posing as me
    1. J
      Jay from Ninjago
      27 February 2020 16:41
      Garmadon has been using the mega weapon to create clones of myself. Do not worry, for I am the real Jay!
      1. T
        27 February 2020 17:28
        I will help you stop Garmadons diabolical plan! I know who the real lightning ninja is! And I will stand beside him!!!
        1. T
          29 February 2020 07:43
          All you have to do is land a single hit
  9. E
    Excalibur Umbra
    27 February 2020 21:41
    I have recieved intel on lord garmadons plans and it seems he wishes to make a man fall into the river in lego city, how truly evil that bastard is
    1. T
      28 February 2020 02:45
      I knew he was evil, but.... That's something evil itself can't stoumach
  10. E
    Excalibur Umbra
    28 February 2020 13:40
    Holy shit shrek how does one achieve the level of wokeness that you are at
    1. T
      28 February 2020 16:07
      1. T
        29 February 2020 07:47
        See onions, like ogres, have layers. We all know this! Much like onions, reality too has layers. One must only peel back those layers and dive into the rabbit hole of reality in order to achieve this level of wokeness.
  11. C
    Claim Police
    29 February 2020 04:20
    We need the guards of whiterun
  12. T
    29 February 2020 07:38
    Well.... While we're waiting, who wants to debate which is the real Jay?
  13. S
    Silver Soul
    29 February 2020 07:43
    Can me and by babies watch, I think it would be entertaining to have them find out what a debate with other creatures would be like, but I'm not sure if Lugia or Yveltal would be interested
    1. T
      29 February 2020 07:51
      This matters... If ultra instinct shaggy shows up, then it will be unsafe for your children to be in his presence. We all put our lives at risk when speaking with him and even when existing on the same dimensional plane. I am afraid his power may be too much for them to handle.
  14. S
    Silver Soul
    29 February 2020 08:00
    Well, them maybe only Lugia, Yveltal and me will come. They might like that, to see someone on a human scale to have such great power
    1. T
      29 February 2020 08:15
      Hmmm it would be a good learning experience
  15. d
    29 February 2020 08:58
    why has there been no content from this website in 4 days
    1. A
      Albedo V2.0
      29 February 2020 09:04
      Can someone help me if rubedo(Adorable little sister/Most powerful being in the Nazarick) become's a threat to the Nazarick????????
      1. T
        1 March 2020 01:32
        Of course i will old friend
        1. A
          Albedo V2.0
          1 March 2020 02:32
          Can you even damage her????
          1. T
            1 March 2020 06:09
            I pray that we never have to come to that. Remember who it is that you address. The trainer of legends, the Lord of the memes, and Shaggys biological father.
    2. Arkunus
      1 March 2020 02:44
      I was wondering about that too. What's going on here?
      1. Samael The Sergal
        Samael The Sergal
        1 March 2020 04:08
        I'm not sure but I find it a little annoying.
        1. A
          Albedo V2.0
          1 March 2020 04:11
          It's been 4-5 days of no comic updates of course it would be chaotic here
          1. A
            Albedo V2.0
            1 March 2020 04:18
            And I'm really excited for our journey will continue on and that was entitled The Witch of the Ruined Country March 11 2020 And Doom Sans wide-spread Demon Extermination on March 20 2020 I would like to see Isabelle riding on Doom Sans shoulder shooting at the Demons(not ours) and leave mountain of corpses on their Wake
            1. A
              Albedo V2.0
              1 March 2020 04:20
              I forgot to put on between Country And March
  16. Samael The Sergal
    Samael The Sergal
    1 March 2020 02:07
    I do not appreciate the chaos here stop this at once.
    1. T
      1 March 2020 06:11
      In times like these it would seem that chaos is our only comfort

  17. G
    Guest Guest Hitler
    1 March 2020 04:30
    Jesus no updates yet 
  18. K
    1 March 2020 05:17
    Is there a new website they're posting the comics or is this website..... Dead?

    1. T
      1 March 2020 06:12
      If it is.... Then we must all pay our respects on the first comic to be posted here
  19. C
    Claim Police
    1 March 2020 06:52
    I'm afraid this might be the end lads
    If so it was an honor serving with you
    1. T
      1 March 2020 08:38
      It’s been an honor, but let’s give the site some more time.... I think it’s earned it
    2. N
      5 March 2020 01:15
      It's been an honor
      1. A
        Ains Ooal Gown
        5 March 2020 07:39
        Fear not fappers of xcartx/xlecx we will wait this out, for this has happened once and it stoped. If at the end of the week there is no content then we will act. We will send emails of encouragement to the administrators. If you want to join the army contact Ains Ooal Gown or shrek. WE WILL ACHIEVE VICTORY!!!!

  20. G.E.R.
    1 March 2020 07:07
    Jesus this is starting to creep me out a little, the lack of updates that is
  21. S
    Silver Soul
    1 March 2020 08:00
    I have found the first comic on this site because of Green, but don't worry, he has been in time out since this morning. Between you all and me, he might be bigger than his dad. Anyway, here it's a link to it  but I don't know if you will be able to get to it from this http://xlecx.one/4-porn-furry-comics.html

    1. A
      Albedo V2.0
      1 March 2020 09:58
      It's just a furry hyena and gazelle I think
  22. Samael The Sergal
    Samael The Sergal
    1 March 2020 09:18
    I don't think this is the end, this happend before.
  23. C
    1 March 2020 10:11
    Mmm so website died or is there something I'm not seeing cause this is weird frustrating and creepy all at once
  24. b
    1 March 2020 11:27
    I think this is it , it's been a hell of a ride yall
    1. G
      Guest admin
      1 March 2020 11:29
      We are taking a short break for the rest of this decade. We appreciate all the fans asking. It's been an honor to help You guys cum?. 
      1. S
        Some Asian Guy
        1 March 2020 15:41
        Truly, it has been an honor
    2. A
      Albedo V2.0
      1 March 2020 12:23
      We will remember this site forever 
  25. H
    Heavenl Ascended Diego
    1 March 2020 12:47
    what happened to the web?
  26. T
    1 March 2020 18:30
    I’ve never seen such a political porn website 
  27. B
    1 March 2020 19:32
    1. [hide]Days without an update... Hm.. maybe the owner of the site has the virus, CORVID-19 (coronavirus). Just sayin'.Days without an update... Hm.. maybe the owner of the site has the virus, CORVID-19 (coronavirus). Just sayin'.
    1. P
      Percy Jackson
      1 March 2020 21:57
      Why did you repeat yourself
  28. J
    Jesus Christ
    2 March 2020 00:33
    This is all fortold. It will rise on the seventh day. Unless it doesn't ...

    Rip, I wish I didn't have to log back in Everytime I wanted to comment. 
    1. J
      Jesus Christ
      2 March 2020 00:38

      I messaged the Admin asking him what was up. 
      On his profile it says his last day he was online was the 25th which is when the comics stopped being uploaded. I assume he is taking a break of some sort, but I don't know if this is the end. 

      Stay tuned for what happens next.
      1. G
        Guest Infinity
        2 March 2020 03:29
        I am ever grateful for your service 
      2. Arkunus
        2 March 2020 05:36
        What's the name of the administrator
      3. i_lik_dic
        2 March 2020 23:57
        Thank you, Jesus
      4. R
        Rohan Kishibe
        7 March 2020 14:22
        thanks alot jesus for your efforts
  29. Dr. Bright
    Dr. Bright
    2 March 2020 02:15
    I thought it's always been multiple admins uploading stuff? Just by their tastes. And like the whole claiming thing started after the renaming and the comics being uploaded changed in feel so I guessed there was a ownership switch there? But yeh I thought there were multiple guys doing this. 

    But of course this website dies just when Im gone for a few weeks without internet and I come back and decide to join the fun in the comments and now it's dead -. - poor Dr. Bright can't catch a fucking break
    1. Satin 2.0
      Satin 2.0
      3 March 2020 04:52
      Ok, now that bright is here, everything will be ok.
      Sorry about the whole cursed amulet thing bright, you where too important to die.
  30. Samael The Sergal
    Samael The Sergal
    2 March 2020 02:36
