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  1. S
    13 October 2019 02:49
    No need to feel disappointed in this chapter! It was nicely done and while it felt shorter than most of the others, it potrayed several kinks in a manor that was not disturbing and even somewhat sexy. Cant wait to read the next one
  2. G
    Guest Joseph Joestar
    13 October 2019 21:39
    Wheres best girl tho? I'm sorry, I don't know her name but the blonde one that's the protag.
  3. A
    17 October 2019 23:08
    Really great, love the kind of relationship the mage and the thief have, and good job for the reveal of the eyes, it did worked, was really well done
    Also the small purple thing was nicely done, still cute, even though it could have been gross quite easily
