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  1. 1
    4 March 2019 20:48
    I Fucking Hate This Type of Hentai.Netorare,Ugly Bastard,torture,etc, are Motherfuckin Disgusting.I Hope in Future, this Shit Genres are fucking Extict
    1. s
      5 March 2019 03:09
      1. Fucking grammar check, dipshit.
      2. Just because this isn't your 'cup of tea' doesn't mean that it should stop existing, dipshit.
      3. Other people have different likes, just cause you don't care for it, doesn't mean that the makers have to obey your command and change their likes and preferences to what you prefer, dipshit.
      4. Just because I'm typing this does not mean I enjoyed the comic/manga, therefore, don't go after me saying this I like this kind of stuff, dipshit.
      5. Realize that you are a random person to this artist and that anything you say may or may not do something, so therefore JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP AND ENJOY WHAT YOU WANT AND LET OTHERS ENJOY WHAT THEY WANT, DIPSHIT.
      1. 6
        6 March 2019 02:44
        fuck you

        your abortion remainder
        1. s
          7 March 2019 05:08
          1. Grammar check, dipshit.
          2. Good come-back, dipshit.
          3. What the fuck does that even mean, dipshit?
          4. "fuck you" No thank you, dipshit.
