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Alrighty, opinions on the furries. I have been jacking it to furry porn for the longest time and uhh I gotta admit, I enjoyed every second. Now the furries themselves, they can be weird at the times with their animal fucking fetish and their weird diaper stuff but let's ignore that and talk about the ones that dress up in those ugly ass fur suits. I hate those damn things they're soooooo creepy looking and I just want to burn them and the fuckin “OwO” and “UwU” phrase is just stupid and cri- odd. I even dated a furry at one point and she got mad that I didn't really support her fursuit choices and that I wanted her for her tits and ass. (I did) Yeah I wasn't a great boyfriend but she wasn't a saint either. . .anyway, scales are just furries but more on the reptile side. They aight. I don't hate the furries but they sometimes do the oddest shit like acting as actual animals and being rather forward. I don't mind online roleplay, the art they draw/animate, just wanting to wear a silly costume. I also hate that most people confuse most animal cartoon characters as furries like Sonic. Just because he's an animal, doesn't make him a furry. Those are all my thoughts about furries but how about y'all ?

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How do you feel about furries ?

Added byGooshooter
32 img
23 Mar 2025
90% (19/2)
(Votes: 21)
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  1. E
    Sunday at 08:39
    Honestly I don't really mind furries. Hell I know some people who are more in the "I like the (insert character) from (insert show)" category rather than the "I own a fursuit" category and they be chill

    more or less, furries can do whatever they want just don't be a bitch about it and keep the more..."untamed" shit far FAR from me, other than that yea they ok
  2. A
    Sunday at 10:25
    Meh I don't really mind them fur suits as long as they behave as a cosplayer and not some weird cringe type sht or something, but I do like wani hug my gator that's for sure.
  3. femboyowl175
    Sunday at 10:29
    this isn't even the"hear me out bro"kinda stuff
    furry stuff is fine as long as it normal spicy stuff
    not satan asshole level of spice.....it's normal to be attracted to hot single mom

    hot single cougar is good man....it good
  4. Silly Goober
    Silly Goober
    Sunday at 22:08
    Furries, if they're not zoos or peds, are fine. They can be strange at times, which is a little uncomfortable to be around
  5. G
    Guest you
    Sunday at 23:57
    for someone as insane enough to jack off to kids, you have very milk toast takes
    anyone with a brain knows that furries are very varied groups of people, and their degeneracy goes about as far as yours does at times. sometimes further, but again, that’s not really reflective of any one furry in particular. Let people like what they like, some people express themselves via
    1. y
      you (I accidentally pressed enter)
      Sunday at 23:59
      drawing themselves as furry characters, some people draw and jerk off to children.
      TLDR, I think furries are apart of everyone else, and weird people are in every group, why should I care what the not weird ones are doin’, yknow? Let people live n shit
  6. Z
    Zambian Child
    Yesterday at 11:02
    Stfu gooshooter you dumb nigger
