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The Monster Within

Animal on animal porn comics, this is story of how i became who i am today. It is a sad story, but possibly the worst part of it is the fact i would not change a thing about it. Animal on animal porn comics - [Malaika4] The Monster Within (Ongoing).
Added byalinam
68 pages
175 828
04 Jul 2017
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  1. q
    29 June 2017 05:32
    This story is so sad, almost made me cry. I hope you continue this comic and finish it.
  2. C
    16 January 2018 08:57
    I don't particularily like Incest, in fact I despise it except for some acceptions, but this was amazing!! The story was a biit confusing but I finally found my way back to where they were, so in all 10/10!!
  3. T
    The 3D Lion king is shit
    3 August 2019 15:01
    Its like the lion king but with incest and sex
  4. P
    8 August 2019 23:05
    Caralho, que história pesada! Tem estupro, incesto, alienação parental, morte, a outra disse que não precisa do marido porque o filho é mais forte...
    Isso é tão errado!!  laughing
  5. G
    Guest BrUh
    4 January 2020 08:10
    BrUh HoW hE gOnNa SaY hE dOeS't WaNt HiS oWn CuBs FuCkInG tHeN hE gOeS aNd FuCkS hIs OwN dAuGhTeR?????? ( √•__•√
  6. w
    3 April 2020 23:54
    "you know, I saved myself for you" YA SURE FUCKING DID.. FUCKING YOUR FATHER IS SAVING YOURSELF?
  7. Soul King Brook
    Soul King Brook
    20 January 2021 22:27
    Story was nice, but the sister just came off as a slut who went from man to man and lied about it. Plus it's a brother and sister fucking I can't support that. But the actual story elements were fine
  8. K
    Kira Yoshikage
    30 August 2022 21:03

    This should have just been a regular story. 

