Bulma Brief Visit
(READ if you want or don't)
By the way, if you're that mad at me for posting lolis, just remember this, I post what I want to and half you think that's all I ever post huh well you're wrong, if you look at my previous posts, you know I post a whole lot of different stuff but noooo I'm automatically just sick fuck just because I wasted January posting lolis. You wanna know why I posted lolis during January ? Cause that month is just boring so I thought I should post stuff that would disgust everyone and I mainly did it for loli collector cause I was just being nice I guess. I'm not as sick or retarded as y'all make me out to be, I'm just doing my job, my hobbie, my thing. Posting weird shit is what I do. Y'all know that, everyone who comes here often does. I maybe a plant but behind this screen, there's still a person here.