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Vanilla Fantasy 2


Added byalinam
52 pages
83 907
23 Nov 2018
98% (109/2)
(Votes: 111)
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  1. e
    23 November 2018 05:14
    Hey i wondering if you can make another chatper where the dude goes back in time and dates the princess and takes her first time because even though i read your story it really had a good ending but i felt ucomfortable about her past and the things she did with other men .
  2. M
    23 November 2018 07:03
    @eldert Hmmmm.... that’s an interesting idea. For now I want to focus on finishing the core series (there are a few chapters left for other characters). Once it’s done, I will consider going back to re-work some ideas and concepts. 
    Thanks for the feedback!
    1. A
      29 July 2019 03:21
      Dude, yours comics cool as fuck, great job.

      Hydra dominatus!
  3. B
    Big fan
    23 November 2018 18:44
    You should have stayed with the other elf in the last story kinda disapointed that you didnt. I really liked her.
    1. K
      5 April 2019 07:00
    2. w
      2 January 2020 02:07
  4. G
    2 December 2018 18:43
    Цитата: Mr.E
    @eldert Hmmmm.... that’s an interesting idea. For now I want to focus on finishing the core series (there are a few chapters left for other characters). Once it’s done, I will consider going back to re-work some ideas and concepts. 
    Thanks for the feedback!

    Oh wow, I surely did not expect to find the artist in the comment section here!
    I thoroughly enjoyed your comics, this one especially!
    I will make sure to support you on patreon when I will start my new job next year :P
    Also, isn't NTR kind of the opposite of a vanilla story? Are you sure you'd want to go that route? I mean that's up to you after all.
  5. D
    Dat boi
    10 December 2018 20:05
    I almost didn’t notice this because the cover didn’t stand out but you sir have made a fucking masterpiece!
    Keep up the great work!
  6. M
    16 December 2018 09:30
    Цитата: Graham
    Oh wow, I surely did not expect to find the artist in the comment section here! I thoroughly enjoyed your comics, this one especially! I will make sure to support you on patreon when I will start my new job next year :P   Also, isn't NTR kind of the opposite of a vanilla story? Are you sure you'd want to go t
    Hey there! I try to keep track of the reception of my work in various sites (as much as I can) since I'm still practicing and trying to gitgud at the medium. I'm really not ashamed of using hentai/lewd as plataform to do this! lol
    As for your question, I wasn't actually thinking in NTR when I was doing this, since after all, Arttur and Jenny were not in a relationship when she was fooling around, and he was not really in love with her during this time.
    However, a bunch of people have told me that even though they were not a couple, the story still have a strong NTR vibe on it, and as you mentioned, vanilla and NTR are not really a good match.
    I'm considering redoing this story at some point in the future. If I do, I'll make sure to develop the character of Arttur a little more to show his relationship with his previous girlfriend and to not make it look like he only fell for Jenny after the sex. I'll also definitely make him Jenny's first by popular demand. lol
    One thing I won't change, though, is her spoiled brat attitude at the beginning. :P
  7. G
    Guest Elijah
    1 February 2019 09:19
    Honestly... while the production value and characters are great. I'm not a fan of this chapter as much as the first. The romance feels... I dunno more forced than the first, if you can believe that! Plus bratty people aren't my taste, but that's just an opinion. You should keep up the goood work at least man!
  8. J
    24 July 2019 23:38
    I enjoy the fantasy series so much! You deserve all of the support on Patreon, you are a great artist!
  9. Love Machine
    Love Machine
    22 February 2020 17:28
    Claimed By the Love Machine
  10. d
    demoman from team fortress 2
    27 February 2020 17:37
    Bloody brilliant! 
  11. T
    The Forgotten Society
    22 May 2020 15:19
    Arthur Pendragon = Arttur Pennydrake
    Merlin = Marlin
    Gwenivere = jennivere
  12. M
    17 August 2020 09:56
    This is one of the best things I've ever read.
  13. D
    18 April 2021 08:12
    One of the best comocs out there! <3

    Wholesome and spicy
