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Hey guys just wanted to say this will be my final upload. I've been going through depression lately, well more like year's. I don't know why I'm telling you all this. Maybe it's the only way I can be honest with myself and porn doesn't ease the pain, it just makes it worse. I enjoy uploading and communicating with everyone in any possible way whether it's positive or negative. I enjoyed it very much. I really enjoyed uploading the Charlotte series. It made me feel like I wasn't alone, that no one cared about me maybe that's why i enjoyed the series so much, but all good things come to an end. And this is the end im afraid but to only end that feeling of emptiness. Depression is like a mask, you can never take it off no matter how hard you try.

I did enjoy making those little among us mini comics. I had so many for every different upload and it was a pain in the ass making them lol. But then counted and realized I had 25 different stories not of value or fan service but for porn! Made me think about what I was doing with my life. I'm not gonna blame the porn it was my own decision. But I really enjoy making these mini comics so maybe after I fix myself I'll make comic series idk but for now goodbye I enjoyed entertaining you and most importantly live life never you'll never know what life might give back to you in return.
Added byPopeye
24 img
1 273
05 Dec 2023
94% (33/2)
(Votes: 35)
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  1. Jaypro123mi
    6 December 2023 00:12

    This community will miss you Popeye good luck

  2. Vox
    6 December 2023 01:35

    Goodbye my friend🙏

  3. q
    6 December 2023 04:03

    googbye, you a real one

  4. Uncle Tee
    Uncle Tee
    6 December 2023 04:47

    You were one of the real ones..

    Fly high brother.

  5. Person of disinterest
    Person of disinterest
    6 December 2023 10:52

    Never even met the mf and I already miss him. Sad day.

  6. H
    Half blind jackass
    6 December 2023 15:04

    Everyone salute this man

  7. G
    Ghostface 69
    6 December 2023 20:28

    No lie that last slide got me emotional their's usually joke or hilarious insults against orange. Goodbye I'm gonna miss that red son of bitch fr🫡



  8. H
    Half blind jackass
    7 December 2023 20:33

    To that person who down voted this post i don't know who you but i will find you and i will snap your neck

  9. Mr.Sin
    9 December 2023 19:55

    I don't want to ruin this sad little moment but now that popeye is gone who's gonna finish the charlotte series?

  10. Defective terminator
    Defective terminator
    31 December 2023 04:09

    Farewell soldier! We’ll all miss you!

  11. M
    11 May 2024 03:27

    You will be missed😞
