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  1. RedKingOfLust
    15 April 2023 04:03

    I hate this and I hate you for posting it

    Stop lewding the main characters. This is pedophila. Just making something like this is against the law and just straight up fucking wrong, regardless of if it's fictional characters.

    Fix yourself.

    1. dfghjk
      20 May 2023 08:48

      Nobody gives a fuck what you hate or like, you're a nobody, I'm a nobody. The truth is if you do not like it then don't click on it. Worst of all, go out of your way to comment and complain about it. Stop acting like a dumb ass loser, kid.

    2. darknightgarden
      9 July 2023 19:53

      Oh bugger off

      It's illustrations, not real people 

      Harming real minors is fucked up and illegal but this is fictional content which is basically just data interpreted as pixels on a screen

      It is not images of real people as it's a fictional drawing

  2. ZrcSexGod86
    11 August 2023 14:49

    It's a silly show and the history of cartoons and porn goes farther back then most of you will ever be able or willing to know so for the sake of this one let's say the are 18 and over in this adventure okay.
