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  1. Some dude
    Some dude
    5 April 2023 20:58

    "Don't rape me in your sleep" 😂

    1. F
      6 April 2023 15:50

      Okay, but in a serious question. Since it is technically an unconscious action would it be held with the dame weight in court?

      1. G
        Gary the detective
        3 May 2023 23:42

        Wouldn’t she be pressed with charges, because the act saitama did was still done, with or without thought, but she also did B&E so wouldn’t she be guilty? She is also the person who hopped on Saitama so it was an act mostly done by her. 

        if A designer makes a high up swing labeling it as private property and the “victim“ broke their leg using the same swing, is it the fault of the park desighner?

  2. Gordon Freeman6
    Gordon Freeman6
    6 April 2023 04:35

