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  1. Person of disinterest
    Person of disinterest
    14 August 2022 20:50

    Not a fan of cheating. But this is quality.

  2. M
    14 August 2022 22:21

    Would've been better if the tag and the story was replaced with Incest instead of Cheating. But, it's fine just this once.

    Atleast thank goodness this wasn't NTR.

  3. G
    Guest Interested
    15 August 2022 03:25

    this is so good, I can totally see this as a Hentai.

  4. KnightMan
    15 August 2022 07:59


  5. Person of disinterest
    Person of disinterest
    15 August 2022 08:50

    Not related. They call each other sister and brother as a friendly term in Japan. Like saying dude, bro, or sista.

  6. A
    Arcana Ordinis Tenebris
    14 February 2024 18:59

    Although I really don't like cheating and NTR which this story basically is, but it's really hard to hate the characters when they are portrayed like this, like some people who unfortunately couldn't reveal their feelings, which also makes you feel pity for the husband's, so I agree with the guy above that said that it would have better if it was incest rather than cheating.

    These types of doujins is what make me conflicted as a member of the NTR deleters, because 🖕 NTR.
