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Ever hit a writer's block for uploading porn ? Just me ok. . .anyway word around the rule34 comments is that everyone hates this bitch (Don't tell me why) for some reason so I uploaded porn of this bitch. If some of the images aren't moving let me know so I can fix it.

Gabi Throwin' it Back

Added byGooshooter
9 img
499 509
27 Apr 2022
80% (99/25)
(Votes: 124)
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  1. M
    27 April 2022 16:34

    Not sure what to feel about this. ?

    1. B
      Bucket Head Zombie
      27 April 2022 17:55

      same here

  2. t
    the. man
    27 April 2022 18:27

    this bitch  deserves to die I don't. care if she is 12 she will D I E  weary  rage  rage 

    1. c
      14 June 2022 22:32

      I'd rape her 

  3. S
    Shipping God
    27 April 2022 21:50

    sasha revengers

  4. Average Sett Enjoyer
    Average Sett Enjoyer
    27 April 2022 22:16

    Ppl only hate Gabi because of Sasha and they can't see why this character even exists tbh. Aot fandom stupidity knows no limits

  5. loli_collector69
    27 April 2022 22:33

    dont worry guys shes going to the sack

  6. C
    Chad Emperor of Mankind
    28 April 2022 00:48

    Gabi is a horrible character ’cause she is introdused as this character you’e supossed to hate. Then for some reason she becomes the new main character of AoT, when literally nobody likes her the viewer is supossed to spend the majority of their time with her.

    And then instead of slowly giving her a redemption arc were the viewers opinion ok Gabi is natrually changed and goes from a negative and hateful view, to a more optimistic and positive one.

    Instead countless other people in the show just act out of character from out of nowhere and keep over & over again ”informing” the viewer on how they’re supossed to like Gabi now! Pushing and forcing this new narrative which just makes everyone hate Gabi even more. It’s like forcing food down someones throat so they can’t breath, it dosen’t matter if the food is good or not. They’re still gonna hate the experience and never want to go through it again.

    1. T
      The Real Chad Of Mankind
      28 April 2022 00:56

      Aka You're sad that she killed Sasha
      Boohoo cry us a river

  7. C
    Chad Emperor of Mankind
    28 April 2022 01:17

    The fact that you’re saying that proves that Gabi defenders have no basis and are simply being toxic for the sake of being toxic.

    I don’t hate Gabi because she killed Sasha. I don’t hate Akainu for killing Ace, I don’t hate Doflamingo for killing Corazon, I don’t hate Akaza for killing Rengoku and I don’t hate Dio for killing Kakyoin.

    Hating characters just cause they did bad stuff is beneath me. I do however hate characters who do not work and take iup to much space.

  8. C
    Chad Emperor of Mankind
    28 April 2022 01:51

    Dude, saying that Gabi is like season 1 Eren is not a good thing. Season 1 Eren sucks ass and is low key the worst parts of early AoT.

    She never had a (good) redemption arc. Just Sasha’s family, Mikasa and Armin saying she did nothing wrong (which is completely absurd that normal people would act like that, if someone kills your friend or daughter you don’t just go ”oh I’m sure they had a good reason)

    The lack of hate towards Gabi displayed by every single character who interacts with her just hammers in the fact that Isayama couldn’t write a good or at the very least understandable redemption arc. And how can I watch a show ”bad”? I watched it the same as everyone else, the fact that you’re calling it bad shows you can’t accept people disliking Gabi as a character and the writing behind her.

    I’m sorry man but you’re not the one who gets to decide what opinion is ”good” or ”bad”.

  9. TriKurrDurr
    28 April 2022 05:02


  10. M
    28 April 2022 05:54

    Why gabi? It could have been any body else but you pick a little girl

  11. The Random Guy
    The Random Guy
    28 April 2022 16:51

    Put her in a fixxxer comic..... this bitch deserves those sort of things....

  12. Guest of guests
    Guest of guests
    29 April 2022 10:37

    First off Gabi was introduced as a good character even in just the first episode she got the title of war hero for blowing up the anti titan train something that basically no other Marley or Eldion could have done. She then celebrates with her friends all the way back home. Sure she's not introduced as a good character for the Eldions but no shit she's not fighting for Eldia she is fighting for Marley. Then fast forward a bit to where Gabi kills Sasha. You have to realize the only reason that Gabi even aimed for anyone on that dropship is because Sasha (the one Gabi killed) killed one of Gabi's good friends. She wasn't going to even go after them until she killed those two guards. Now am I saying it's Sasha's fault that she died yes and no (she made the same mistake as the soldiers who were fighting Marley and didn't shoot the child because the are a child) but at the same time can you blame Gabi. If you watched one of your friends die in front of you (basically in your arms) and you had the ability to track and kill the murderer. Would you just let them go back to their private island or would you take that son of a bitch out. That's why you are supposed to like Gabi as much as it looks like she is on the wrong side. She's a patriot who loves Marley and loves the people of Marley. Also in that scene with Sasha's family, the reason Sasha's family didn't seem to care (despite being deeply hurt) is because her "redemption arc" was the time spent with their family because to them she was a good person that good person just happen to do some bad things. And for mikasa and armin that's even more understandable. Not only did they not turn her in but they realize that if she killed Sasha what do Sasha do to her. Not to mention Armin and Mikasa are just very caring people even for "civilians". Now I haven't really gotten past more then that I got to where Eren got his leg eaten but Gabi is not the enemy she's made for the right reason and she is made to resemble Eren that's the whole point. She does her job perfectly but people just can't see the reason because she killed that one character everyone liked.

    I meant Armin and Mikasaa are very friendly towards civilians

  13. Kuri
    29 April 2022 15:24

    Can someone send a link to the artist. Can't find them

  14. C
    Chad Emperor of Mankind
    1 May 2022 19:14

    The problem is that by acting as such Saints, Mikasa, Armin and Sasha’s family become unlikeable and unrelatable.

    It would like in Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, if Ed and Al just saw what Shou Tucker did to his daughter and wife but then simply said: ”Oh it’s okay. We understand that you just wanted to keep your Alchemist lisence. We know you didn’t actually want to go to this length”. That would be the most unrealistic response ever, exactly like how the people in AoT react.

    Real humans don’t see everything from a totally non-biased, birds-eye-view. We don’t view things and reason with stone cold, computer-like logic. We get emotional and we act out in ways that seem irrational. Because we are human, we have flaws. Can you imagaine a world where Guts, after Griffith sacrificed the entire Band of The Hawk just went: ”Oh well he just wanted to create a better world”. Not in a million billion years.

    From a writing and human reasoning standpoint Gabi should never have been forgiven by many of the characters in the show, and not nearly as fast by (anyone) in the show. It was rushed and that’s simply the truth. Instead of letting us natrually change our opinion on her, we’re told over and over again how we’re suppossed to forgive her. That is not how you write a redemption arc and it dose not follow the Golden Rule of Storytelling: ”Show don’t tell”.
