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I Told You Supply Depot, This Tenryuu Belongs to You!!

if you were to take every drop of cum that was ever released by the entirety of humanity living or dead how many liters would it be? Could it full the entire ocean? :0 -KnightMan


I Told You Supply Depot, This Tenryuu Belongs to You!!
Added byKnightMan
58 img
180 665
11 Feb 2022
89% (47/6)
(Votes: 53)
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  1. Lavovampa
    11 February 2022 21:08

    Y E S

  2. d
    11 February 2022 21:50

    is this gay or les

                                                                Y     E    S

  3. Why just why
    Why just why
    12 February 2022 01:12

    The term released changes the question entirely.  I think it would be enough to cover Russia. Maybe all of Asia. 

    1. KnightMan
      12 February 2022 02:08

      Omg someone actually read my comment

  4. ĒÊËÈÉ
    12 February 2022 02:41

    E is the best flavor

  5. U
    Unknown man
    12 February 2022 04:08

    No comment

  6. Pantheon the Unbreakable Spear and Baker
    Pantheon the Unbreakable Spear and Baker
    12 February 2022 04:39

    Probably as much as the biggest river

  7. John-117
    12 February 2022 05:00

    Yo…this was so wholesome my boner died because of the feels. Bravo author, bravo 

  8. Juice Tank
    Juice Tank
    13 February 2022 22:18

    Thanks for the treat, KnightMan

    Quick google search says there's about 107B people to ever live, meaning half of those are males.

    A person masturbates an average 20k times in a lifetime (you can also check that by yourself, how many days are in 60 years, if your were to masturbate every day. Now, you wouldn't fap every single day for the rest of your life, but it averages out with these horny fuckers on the site)

    A median volume of released semen is 3.7 ml (yes, we're doing the proper scientific units)

    Putting that together, we get 3,959B L, or 4 trillion liters of cum.

    That, of course, is nothing compared to the vastness of the ocean.

    The cum is 3,959,000 km^3 (4 thousand cubic kilometers), while the smallest ocean, the arctic ocean, has a a volume of 18,750,00 km^3.

    So we would fill up only a fifth of the smallest ocean.

    Maybe we should be cumming into lakes?

    1. Juice Tank
      Juice Tank
      13 February 2022 22:31

      Correction, cum is 4 million cubic kilometers (not 4 thousand), which is about a fifth from the 19 million that arctic has

  9. KnightMan
    18 March 2022 06:39

    Very impressive math juice tank ?
