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Miyabi na senpai ||

Пуля-дура,учи меня жить

Miyabi na senpai ||

Grazhdanskaya oborona - Philosophical song about the bullet

The second part of the strange relationship between miyabi and some guy whose name I didn't remember.
Thank you for tagging, admin. I'm still not good at these foreign words.
By the way, does the music on the link work normally?

Злая пуля, учи меня жить
Добрый камень,учи меня плавать.
Короче, вторая часть после первой части перед третьей частью.
Спасибо админу за поправку по тэгам, пока за англицкие я не шарю, но учусь!
К слову, музыка по ссылке фурычит штатно?
Ждите новых музыкальных ОтКлОнЕнИй
казённый унитаз be like:

Приятного просмотра

Ex mastutbari ad mastutbari.

Added byLavovampa
25 img
112 567
10 Feb 2022
96% (54/2)
(Votes: 56)
Post New Comment
  1. W
    Wholesome lover
    10 February 2022 21:10

    Nobody can gap to this it is just too wholesome.

  2. н
    10 February 2022 21:56


  3. Lord Shaxx
    Lord Shaxx
    11 February 2022 04:52

    Dude is like a magnet to his GF

    1. G
      Guest Guest
      12 February 2022 11:34

      Now, is that like a magnet to a piece of metal, in that it attracts... Or is it like a magnet to a sensitive piece of technology, in that it causes it to stop working properly?

      1. Lavovampa
        14 February 2022 00:29

        D u d e . . .  

    2. G
      13 March 2022 16:57

      So ur like the unofficial first account, right?

  4. G
    Great web page. But no music.
    11 March 2022 12:51

    It's sad that our leader's are asshole's & they never listen to the people. Very sad...

    I appreciate & enjoy your page. 

    Thank you from Los Angeles, California.

    No music on my side.

    Think happy thoughts,


  5. 10 July 2022 05:53

    Dont READ THIS. YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. NOW THAT YOU’VE STARTED READING, Dont STOP. THIS IS SO FREAKY. 1 say your name 10 times 2. say your mum’s name 5 times and your crushes name 3 times 4. paste this onto 4 other games. If you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday possible. But if you read this and do not paste this, you will get bad luck. SEND THIS ON 5 DIFFERENT GAMES IN 143 MINUTES
