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  1. J
    Just a guy with a bad memory
    24 November 2021 02:44

    Hi, so this is unrelated to the comic, but I wanted to ask if anyone could help me find a particular comic that I can remember the contents of but not the name, and it's really starting to annoy me. I came across the comic 'Abandoned Cat Girlfriend' in the random comics earlier, and it reminded me of a similar comic. The main character comes across a girl from his school sat on a bench outside, and decides to go and talk to her, finding that her mom had run off with some guy and left her behind (which is stated to have happened several times already), so the main character invites her to stay in his apartment. They grow closer, she stops dying her hair blonde and generally becomes a much better person, and then porn comic stuff happens. Eventually, the girl's mom comes back and tries to pull the same thing she did every other time. The MC gets angry and shouts at her. The girl ends up going to live with her Grandma, so they have to part ways, but the comic ends with them living together at uni.

    Thank you to anyone who took the time to read through all that, it did kinda get out of hand.

    1. A
      26 November 2021 21:49

      I think I actually know the comic you are talking about. Try searching "Neighbor" if I am thinking of the right comic it should show up I need the list.

  2. P
    Prof oak
    24 November 2021 08:46

    Its weird that you have some nostalgia for a porn comic. The story you said is seem good and happy ending so i get what you said but i dont recall any of comic that i know for what you seek is maybe a myths. 

  3. the guest wich is no guest
    the guest wich is no guest
    24 November 2021 22:36

    Nice another rowan the read hair comic as if my day couldnt get better

  4. TwistedFate
    25 November 2021 01:09

    Ah a guy whom lost a precious comic. It happens mate. And sometimes they are gone forever 

  5. P
    Pantheon the Unbreakable Spear
    25 November 2021 05:18

    Forever we must find a new one

  6. A
    26 November 2021 21:50

    In the list*
