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  1. 2
    3 October 2021 17:39

    There should be a sequel

  2. Z
    3 October 2021 20:27

    Okay raping and mind break ? well that's not good the artwork is beautiful and hot but on my guess is that is an issue with this cop and she has back up to help back at the station?  That's were I see it going

  3. A
    4 October 2021 05:42

    Good on ya ZrxSexGod86. You're not a piece of shit like the cop in this comic.

  4. D
    6 October 2021 20:46

    Damn these tags are transphobic asf dont use shemale or use trap thats transphobic asf to trans women. dick girl is also kind fucked bc its just used to fetishize trans women. also dont use the t slur its legit a fucking slur. and bc of dumbassess trans women are women.

    1. F
      Food for thought
      7 November 2021 20:39

      You know those animals that feel like they're the same animal of a different species? Like a cat that acts like a dog, its still a cat. Doesn't mean that a cat can't act like a dog but it would never truly be a dog.

      1. G
        Guest bruh
        1 December 2021 17:51

        those aren't the same thing like, at all. gender is entirely a social construct, while species is something rigorously defined. as someone who is trans and has several trans friends, shut the fuck up. you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

    2. j
      20 November 2021 17:08

      But they arent trans females you dumbass

      1. b
        1 December 2021 17:55

        that may be true, but problems arise when people use these terms to refer to irl trans people. legit one of my friends was once called a "reverse trap" bc he's a trans guy. don't act like these terms are harmless. they're not.

  5. Z
    24 December 2023 06:44

    Trans "ork". / "Orc". .... If anyone has picked one to use then someone would say the one picked is the wrong one to use as a spelling because they wanted to argue. 

    As for Trans Elf well just enjoy yourself if you can as for, Orc trans the cop is hot and hopefully they make a good couple.

    That's the Hippocratic thing I think 🤔 but it's fantasy 😇😈 porn and in their reality this maybe normal for an 🌎 earth 69 paradox or alternate.
