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  1. Jimmy williams
    Jimmy williams
    6 July 2021 19:28

    im jimmy williams and i approve everything about this message

  2. F
    Fiddlesticks the Ancient Fear
    6 July 2021 19:29

    Sheesh, where are your pokemons when you need them the most

  3. Sugar Plum 2.0
    Sugar Plum 2.0
    6 July 2021 19:32

    I wonder if that Pokémon breeding 101 book has anything about vaporeons? ? 

    1. John-117
      6 July 2021 20:04

      NO. CEASE.

    2. H
      Hank Wimbleton
      7 July 2021 00:23

      What a actually Nice question

    3. Gaymer
      25 June 2022 04:10

      Welp, off to hang myself

  4. G
    Guest Felix
    6 July 2021 19:34

    My weakness, machamp. Goddamn need pics of machamp fucking femboys

    1. a
      a smug hat kid
      6 July 2021 20:40

      imma kill u

      1. Manga Police
        Manga Police
        7 July 2021 14:01

        I'll look the other way

  5. U
    7 July 2021 00:37

    Huh… I know I haven’t been here in quite a while. But this jimmy figure is becoming quite the threat. Tis refreshing to see public figures gaining popularity though…

  6. TwistedFate
    7 July 2021 02:58

    Bro dont attack Jimmy . I'm the only one that can disapprove his messages. And his political debates are like seagul eating chips with out chewing type.

    A wierd deck that I'm not against, but I'm out

  7. Y
    Yu Narukami
    7 July 2021 03:49

    I honestly find it funny that Hilda has the audacity to act like this toward a pokemon that can punch just as fast as a stand and can probably break her entire spinal structure with a mere Flick

    8/10 cuz kinda hot, but also in debate if this should have a lower score since this could qualify as NTR

  8. Jhin The Virtuoso
    Jhin The Virtuoso
    7 July 2021 06:35

    Weird...but okay.

  9. G
    Guest TeddyO
    9 July 2021 02:00

    It seems impossible for humans to get pregnant by pokemon, but ok

  10. P
    Pokemon knower
    2 October 2021 23:12

    Pokémon don’t have to the same species to breed, just egg type. Skitty (a tiny cat) can breed with wailord (the largest non-legendary) because they are both in the field egg group. Machamp is in the human-like egg group, just like Gardevoir and Mr. Mime and so on. Assuming humans would also be in the human-like egg group, Machamp and Hilda would be able to mate! However, the result of breeding is always the female’s species, so the result would be human, and I don’t think anyone wants to think about that.
