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I have a real conversation You can have three wishes but you can get five extra wishes if all three of those wishes were selfless actions. What would you wish for to get five extra wishes ?

Claimed by: Miss Kobayashi

Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Harem

Added byGooshooter
7 img
357 170
04 Jul 2021
93% (194/14)
(Votes: 208)
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  1. Why just why
    Why just why
    4 July 2021 18:32

    Cure cancer

    Make North Korea a democracy

    Give money to the poor

    For my extra 5 wishes I would...

    Buy my parents a mansion

    Buy a new phone

    Give myself the powers of the three main characters in Naruto( Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura

    Idk what I would do with the rest

    1. John-117
      5 July 2021 03:22

      Make humans resistant to all diseases known to man

      Make CHINA a democracy 

      Make the price of American healthcare much less expensive, like, a LOT less…

      For the 5:

      Win the lottery (whatever one gives the most money)

      Get myself a nice house, somewhere between 2-4M

      The ability to fly, because fuck traffic

      Save the other two for something idk

  2. D
    4 July 2021 18:45

    Ask for a permanent fuck buddy with the face of your favourite character 

  3. Dr T
    Dr T
    4 July 2021 19:18

    Wake up sleepy head 

    Is it you gordon 

    Hey i Said wake up


  4. p
    pardon me
    4 July 2021 19:19

    Who the fuck would dislike this

  5. Jhin The Virtuoso
    Jhin The Virtuoso
    4 July 2021 19:28


    This is wonderful.

  6. R
    4 July 2021 19:43

    World peace
    China has rights along with North Korea,
    World hunger
    My five wishes would be,
    Always be good in school
    Get a new like super computer,
    Get money,
     a sex doll cause im fuckin lonely
    and the power to stop time.

  7. F
    First wisher
    4 July 2021 20:16

    Make the Americans win the civil war instead of the english.

    Go back in time and kill Hitler and make it look like a suicide.

    Help develop nuclear bombs as a way to stop world war three.

    My wish

    Get laid 

    start a billion dollar app

    Become a lizard man

    Make my parents name me Mark Zuckerberg

    And live til 135

  8. Jimmy williams
    Jimmy williams
    4 July 2021 20:44

    Im jimmy Williams and I approve this message 

  9. the guest wich is no guest
    the guest wich is no guest
    4 July 2021 21:32

    world peace

    happiness for everyone

    my grandma to be healthy again

    and my five wishes

    that my crush loves me

    the power to control people

    a good job

    that xlecx reaches 100.000 comics

    10 more wishes

  10. B
    Babelisarius cawl master of masters
    5 July 2021 05:02

    For the omnissiahs wonderful give of machinery I shall tone myself to this heresy 

  11. TwistedFate
    5 July 2021 05:30

    An infinite energy source to save the world.

    Stop the world hunger

    Stop the wars if possible if not erase the violence 

    For the +5

    Real time magic

    Tf abilities 

    An infinite pizza

    Pretty much infinite money

    And my own chef Remy  from Ratatouille 

    1. P
      Pantheon the Unbreakable Spear
      5 July 2021 07:49

      You have some many tricks up your sleeves Twisted fate if only you would tell Graves your feelings for him...do not give up rise up and tell him

  12. I
    5 July 2021 07:21

    There should be a futa tag on this

    1. Gooshooter
      5 July 2021 10:36


      That. . . completely slipped my mind. . .

  13. F
    Fiddlesticks the Ancient Fear
    5 July 2021 14:49

    My God, the league of legends characters acc are spreading 

  14. S
    6 July 2021 00:03

    Make humans immune to all diseases

    World Peace

    Make Dogs live longer

    my 5 wishes

    everytime i jerkoff i get $5000 in my bank account

    Best internet in the world for free

    give parents $10000 everytime they sleep

    idk about the rest

  15. G
    Guest Saitama
    6 July 2021 04:10

    Wouldn't purposely doing 3 selfless wishes to get more wishes be a selfish act? Therefore your only options would be to use the 3 wishes selfishly+or-selflessy. Or use them all selflessly.

    1. Gooshooter
      6 July 2021 06:20

      That ALL depends on you

  16. ChaosKnight57
    27 November 2021 12:12

    My three Selfless wishes would be:

    1. A group of well respected, kind, and NOT greedy scientist come up with multiple solutions for Climate Change that will actually help the planet.

    2. Another, similar group of scientist figure out multiple solutions for many types of diseases and disabilities.

    3. Another group figures out multiple solutions for world hunger.

    My 5 selfish wishes would be:

    1. Have the smarts and skills needed for a high paying and fun job.

    2. Have the ability to actually write the many stories I have in my head.

    3. Have the ability to convince people with words alone. 

    4. Change the way I look whenever I want to, and no one questions it.

    5. Have the ability to live out any sexual fantasies I desire in my own mini dimension. (Time stops in real world)

  17. L
    28 November 2021 23:40

    Dis ass be lookin tasty tho

  18. A
    2 February 2022 02:58

    Im only wishing the 3 selfless wishes so that i can get 5 extra wishes so the 3 wishes are sentially selfish because I'm only wishing them for my own gain 
