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  1. a
    a smug hat kid
    18 June 2021 01:29
    not bad
  2. Gooshooter
    18 June 2021 03:06
    Aren't there usually security camera in elevators ?
  3. TwistedFate
    18 June 2021 04:14
    Is there magic involved I dont know how the fuck that metal thing rises and probably they are getting watched. 

    6 of red
  4. Sugar Plum 2.0
    Sugar Plum 2.0
    18 June 2021 07:30
    0/10 not enough wario eating oreos
    1. G
      Guest Yes
      19 June 2021 15:54
  5. T
    The Guest
    18 June 2021 12:40
    I give this 2 futas out of 6 lolis
  6. G
    Guest IZAYA
    18 June 2021 15:52
    No wario I agree 0/10 No Wario
  7. Y
    Yusuke Urameshi
    18 June 2021 16:46
    Fucking your crushes mom…
  8. T
    The Futanari Collector
    22 June 2021 21:27

    You will now know this as the day that the great Futanari Collector has made their debut.

    I have been collecting futanari comics form this website since early 2020 and now it's time for me to shine

  9. A
    11 July 2021 07:24

    Not bad 

  10. M
    4 December 2021 20:50

    Huh... strange, i think i might have missed this part of the elevator scene.

  11. G
    Guest Fortnite
    25 November 2022 11:57

    At least this one doesn't have 6 minutes of complete silence

  12. G
    Guest Grey
    20 March 2024 07:17

    (Spoilers ahead) Honestly, given the context in which the scene on the elevator happened on the series, and Asuka's personality. I think that this scene could teoreticaly take place, given that Asuka becomes a funtanari out of nowhere. Also, probably Ray wouldn't resist too much given that she doesn't have an understanding of why sex would be taboo in our culture given that she isn't a human in the tradicional scence, but rather a clone. Something to point out is that probably they wouldn't have sex for atracción, but rather I think this would be an act done out of spite from Asuka. Since she is a person that is know for being impulsive; I wouldn't see it out of place. Something similar but not nearly as lustfull happened in canon when Asuka kissed Shinyi because she was jealous and sad since Misato started seeing Kanji. This was a completely impulsive action, and she regreated it immediately after seeing that he didn't liked it. Asuka needs constant praises and the aprove of everyone around her in order to get confidence. This actually started when her mother killed herself, and tried ti kill her when she was younger. The trauma causes her to become a distant person and to try and prove to herself that she wasn't useless. So, if Asuka becomes a funtabari out of nowhere. I would think that it is totaly posible that she fucked Ray instead of arguing on the elevator.
