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  1. Some Random Guy
    Some Random Guy
    27 February 2021 03:16
    I do NOT like stories like this. It's plot reminded me of another story almost just like this, and that story made me sad. I just wanna say I am sorry Shou.
  2. John-117
    27 February 2021 03:28
    Ohhh noooo....now this hurts even harder than usual. I mean, there are plenty of these kinds of stories out there, but this...this is something is id all to realistically possible.
    1. R
      27 February 2021 06:35
      Agreed. THis one just goes too far. Let it burn.
  3. F
    27 February 2021 04:14

    We live in a society

    We Live In A Society in which us Gamers are ridiculed, mocked, shunned, bullied and ridiculed for simply choosing to undertake a hobby which requires critical thinking, lightning-fast reflexes and JUST AN OUNCE (in case you can’t tell, that is an understatement) more brainpower than what is required your typical ball game. However, females, in their backwards and downright unreasonable thinking, see us as bottom-dwelling, subhuman freaks and would rather settle for the bottom line of evolution, aka jocks (or “Chad”).
    In order for Our Society to progress, this mindset must be completely eradicated and us Gamers, with our genetic high intelligence, impeccable combat knowledge and indescribable reasoning skills, must be allowed to impregnate females of our choosing with our seed. If this current course continues, humanity as a whole will be plagued with low-IQ specimens and unsatisfactory evolutionary progress. Do you think that extraterrestrial, intellectuals beings will look upon us as a species, no, as a SOCIETY, to be communed with, to be seen as EQUALS, if our highest evolutionary success is measured by how far you can throw a ball? Don’t make me laugh, sir.
    Aside from your basic genetic and evolutionary advantages to be gained by having females (of our choosing) breed with us Gamers, we can also assure that they will be treated like the Goddesses that we see them as. No more will they be spending countless nights being physically abused and emotionally destroyed by your Common Chad. They will be shown courteous treatment of the highest quality by a true Gentlemen. Instead of Chad taking Stacy out to a restaurant, only to leave her the bill and abandon her that very same night to coitally engage with Veronica, they will be subjected to sublime culinary delights, tender strips selected from the finest breed of Poultry your normie brain could not even begin to comprehend, personelly delivered to my safe haven beneath my mother’s residence, paid for in currency I am earned by doing simple, gentlemenly duties for my beloved Matriarch. And she will euphorically enjoy her meal as I give her the foot massage she had craved for so long, a simple pleasure denied by the very selfish and obsolete mind of Chad.
    So you see, the next time you seek to inquire if our movement is mere “satire”, [redditor's name] of Reddit, you may wish to simply stop. Just stop, and instead of mocking us Gamers, perhaps try, as futile as it may be, to engage in intelligent discussion to the level of our satisfaction. Because you see, their time is coming. The age of the Chad is over. The age of the Gamers is upon us.

    Gamers Rise Up.
    1. D
      Dead guy
      27 February 2021 13:57
      Okay damn chill but also your kinda wrong cause I'd you look at a genetic standpoint women are hardwired to think song men are more attractive because that trait passes on and the child has a bigger rate of surviving on its own but no this comic is not a good one and I do not condone NTR
  4. R
    27 February 2021 06:34
    This hurts and I hate it.
  5. S
    27 February 2021 06:38
    Damn that was a great pile of shit
  6. E
    27 February 2021 11:27
    this, this made me sad
  7. B
    Babelisarius cawl master of masters
    27 February 2021 13:01
  8. H
    27 February 2021 13:33
    We came to fap but stayed to see heartbreak
    1. G
      Guest Yes
      12 April 2021 01:58
  9. Juice Tank
    Juice Tank
    28 February 2021 19:57
    I'm a simple map.
    I see "netorare" or "ntr", I immediately click away, cause I hate this shit.
    Seeing the commnents, people tend to agree.
