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  1. D
    20 November 2020 00:19
    1. w
      31 March 2022 02:08

      shut up son of a bitch, don't be admiring that garbage. Where do these assholes come from and don't think I'm watching him on twitter and devianart. this is pedophilia. Raven and Gwen are not officially the same size or age either. Raven is a young adult/adolescent of 16-18 years old, and to know that Gwen is 10 years old.

  2. a
    20 November 2020 00:55
    Um... not quite whatI was expecting
    1. w
      31 March 2022 02:09

      don't be admiring that garbage. where do you get these bullshit? this is pedophilia. Raven and Gwen are not officially the same size or age either. Raven is a young adult/adolescent of 16-18 years old, and to know that Gwen is 10 years old. wheres is the teen gwen from alien force? Raven never does dirty things to a 10 year old. she is she has the face of a 10 year old child and that means she is gwen tennyson. stupid.

  3. D
    20 November 2020 05:33
    Where's the good Yuri
  4. LegoMan69
    20 November 2020 07:02
    would like it if the comic had dialouge so it made sense ig
    1. G
      Guest Dani
      21 November 2020 05:54
      1. w
        31 March 2022 02:11

        no, that's pedphilia fucker

  5. Dr T
    Dr T
    20 November 2020 20:06
    Strange comic, didn't expected that. 
    1. w
      31 March 2022 02:11

      that's pedophilia. you don't know that raven is 16*18 years old and is a young adult/teenager who is older than gwen. This gwen is 10 years old. this latina fucker is sick

  6. LegoMan69
    19 March 2021 21:41
    your my first ever reply thx
  7. G
    Guest Guest
    5 May 2021 21:11
    1. Needs a lot more dialogue and some more pictures
    1. w
      31 March 2022 02:12

      what that idiot needs is a report and calls the police. this is pedophilia. Raven and Gwen are not the same size age. fucker. look at the wiki

  8. L
    24 March 2022 17:27

    Hey dude! I am Latinkaixa and this weird comic is not mine, I only do hypnosis fetish, not this. see ya

    1. w
      31 March 2022 02:15

      you motherfucker. because you feel interested in pairing my waifu raven of 16-18 years with a gwen of 10 years if you know that this is not right and it ain't the same size or age either. do not think that I am watching you everywhere pedophilia. Perhaps you do not know the difference between a child, adolescent or adult in each character. that exists mathematics. This is like if you paired Princess Belle with a 12 year old girl like Shanti or Mowgli. it's exactly the same thing you do to a 16*18 year old raven with a 10 year old gwen. unaware that a teenage girl of her own already exists in canon. hypocrite. I saw everything you contain in your garbage. pedophilia.

      1. L
        2 April 2022 03:14

        honestly, you've been like this for years and nobody pays attention to you...

        1. w
          22 May 2022 11:01

          No, but I'm hunting you down and grabbing everything you're wearing on your social media. and reporting you. Someday this will be plagiarized and no one will pay attention to you. you are a bit and pedophile. Don't ever pair Raven or Starfire with any character who is a 10 year old. the same thing you did with disney princesses pairing them with 10 year olds like mowgli and shanti. fucker. Pedofilia

  9. w
    31 March 2022 02:15

    you motherfucker. Why do you feel interested in pairing my waifu raven of 16-18 years with a gwen of 10 years if you know that this is not right and ain't the same size or age either?. do not think that I am watching you everywhere pedophilia. Perhaps you do not know the difference between a child, adolescent or adult in each character. that exists mathematics. This is like if you paired Princess Belle with a 12 year old girl like Shanti or Mowgli. it's exactly the same thing you do to a 16*18 year old raven with a 10 year old gwen. unaware that a teenage girl of her own already exists in canon. hypocrite. I saw everything you contain in your garbage. pedophilia. you must delete that or i'll report you

  10. G
    Guest Pog
    1 September 2022 14:21

    Yo I wanna see if this guy still replies
