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  1. Why just why
    Why just why
    19 November 2020 17:08
  2. R
    Real Guido Mista
    19 November 2020 17:37
    This series got bad as soon as the author became a pedophile. Before you say he’s not he drew an underaged girl. 
    1. a
      19 November 2020 20:04
      Except this is a drawing of an imaginary thing, drawings dont exist you bubbled up retard, go seek meds since you think imaginary drawings have more rights than real humans that exist, thats also like saying someone playing a videogame with death is a murderer. Pretending you like anime down to use a jojo name from a character you dont know just for attention when youre too young to be here since you believe Naruto is a real person.

      As the other person said, these are drawings of fiction, if you cant differentiate it from reality you need to be locked up. You pretend to like anime yet doesnt even know what this is and acts like a 50s soccer mom, kinda cringe, specially for some cringelord that thinks anyone care about your input in their porn. You sound like a virgin fat girl with a bleeding puss straigh outta twitter cancel culture hashtag.
    2. V
      19 November 2020 20:10
      These are drawings. Drawings = / = reality

      You mouthbreathing baboon actually think you can just scream that  and anyone will agree? Not everyone is so dumb that they dont know what even fiction is anymore, unlike you: some teenager that will die alone having far right moralistic views in porn because some meme indoctrinated you and because you dont value reality or real victims. Hope you burn in hell for your crimes and behavior jojofag.
      1. Sugar Plum 2.0
        Sugar Plum 2.0
        19 June 2021 08:56
        I agree with ValentDi. It may be a drawing but if the author says that the drawing is a 4 year old or some shit and has it get raped to the point it can't think right the artist may or may not be a pedophile. They are.
    3. Gooshooter
      19 November 2020 21:16
      Dude I assume you're new to porn and hentai. ALOT OF PEOPLE DRAW LOLIS
  3. t
    tf tf
    20 November 2020 04:09
    y’all niggas r straight pedophiles what the fuck LMAO “noooo im not weird and a pedophile its a drawing she looks 4 years old but she’s actually 272828297 millenniums old!!!! Its all good guys :)” y’all are sick
    1. Gooshooter
      20 November 2020 12:16
      Remember guests aren't allowed to have an opinion. 
      If the loli was thicc as fuck then I'd fap. Have y'all seen the dark web ? Nuff said.
  4. O
    20 November 2020 14:16
    dude this is a fucking fan fict if you dont like it then fuck off
    1. Г
      21 November 2020 20:43
      Cope harder pedo
  5. Д
    Диванный критик
    1 September 2021 17:12

    Опа, русский ник) 

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