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  1. B
    31 October 2020 01:50
    Claimed for the god of the eternal flames of the sun
    1. A
      An insubordinate demon
      31 October 2020 10:17
      Your claim is burned in the fires of Hell. It has been decreed that all claims are to be burned in that fashion. Also, why the fuck are you following God? Pledge yourself to me and my father, Satin 2.0.
  2. S
    Space Toast
    31 October 2020 02:15
    Honestly this seems like something that would happen on Gravel nowadays. For fuck sakes people, don't use video game maps for your porn unless you're making porn of that game.
  3. S
    Scott Steiner
    31 October 2020 02:34
    Clearly got inspiration from a better artist 
  4. S
    31 October 2020 18:12
    Got the inspiration from this https://www.xvideos.com/video48572127/ruby_s_forced_retirement
  5. r
    random guy who noticed the tf2 map
    4 January 2021 09:03
    You know Ruby, you’d be better off if you went with the rest of your team. I mean, what if it was a heavy that found you instead? God forbid a sniper bot saw you, you’d be dead in an instant. 
  6. r
    19 July 2024 16:48
    in fielty of the God-emperor, our undying lord, and by the grace of the Golden Throne... i hereby sign a death warrant of an entire world and consign a million souls to oblivion. May the imperial justice account in all ballance. The Emperror protects.
